GUID: dea54843-a647-4424-aea7-18d4ee4b2fff
Log File:
Info Type:
[Script Error]: …ettings/dlcs/grudge_marks/buff_settings_grudge_marks.lua:1330: table index is nil
Had a troll with Vampiric, Cursed Aura and Illusionist.
Crashed again when I tried to rejoin:
GUID: 33dcfbaf-ddb1-4173-8639-e7fdb12eb3d0
Log File:
Info Type:
[Script Error]: …ettings/dlcs/grudge_marks/buff_settings_grudge_marks.lua:1330: table index is nil
This specific crash is on our radar and should be resolved in our next hotfix. Apologies for the inconvenience.
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