Issue Type (Required):
Chaos Wastes
Issue Description (Required):
This bug has been around for at least a year. See this thread below in which another user reported it back in January 2023 (without proof, however)
Here’s my video proof.
It’s not a single cut video, as I edited out most of the fighting parts. I focused on recording when I killed a teammate and then checked where they respawned. And when I was close to completing the event I recorded how an unreachable teammate teleports to the accessible final spawn point.
Mods are completely unrelated to this bug, as it’s a map design issue.
Bug persists as of “Hotfix 5.3.2 - 8th of March”. I recorded the video right after that patch cos I was having constant crashing before it and couldn’t play at all.
Solution: Please add a few spawn points in count mordrek fortress winch event either at the corners or near the main building. Please. You’ve fixed many respawn points in campaign maps recently with the anniversary update. I don’t think fixing this is impossible, yes-yes?
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Just die after the drop that’s at the finale event. I don’t think activating or not activating the winch matters. All teammates will respawn at an impossible place in which you can’t revive anyone, so if someone dies during the event, it makes it much tougher to endure in high difficulties (legend/cata), as you’ll always be 1 or more teammates short
Level Name (Optional):
[Chaos Wastes] Count Mordrek’s Fortress
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam