Content Drop - Tools of War

They need everyone to update so their servers can. Stop grinding for a minute the plasteel will still be there when you get back.

Glad to see some good gameplay changes but I’m a little disappointed I called this weapon pack off the unfinished reference strings in the code (I guess this isn’t a prediction). But the human Combat Shotgun is a pretty terrible weapon archetype so dumping 2 more without buffing at least its ammo is a bad excuse for content. I feel similarly about a club that has access to the upsides of both shovel and club, I actually liked the current balance between those 2. I think a lot of people will wake up bummed that its only 1 thunderhammer and not a dual wield, though I kinda suspected dual wield would return with more than 1 weapon.

Also no changes to item quality, the number of items in the shop or its refresh window. Or player inventories or locks. Not going to bring back players with more variants to not-earn and gamble with. This really needs addressing. Oh well, at least 50 days of whining got my ogryn shovel fixed.


Good patch and FSR 2.2 is very impactful.

Now to stop having 98% useless items and top it off with shared inventory and currencies.


Based on one run, bulwarks are way less frustrating to fight now.

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Will we ever see improvements to the plasma gun?

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…still no fix for the rashad axe? Please don’t make this another unfunny running joke like kruber’s longbow bug from VT2 where charged shots did less damage to berserkers since the game launched and it took several years for you to fix the problem.


Buff this beautiful bastard

:no_entry_sign:HP Drain on Vent or
:no_entry_sign:No Ammo Usage (only heat)
:no_entry_sign:Bulwark Shield shot blockage


I’m loving the sound of all of this.

This also ruins the Krourk cleavers. You can’t even make good on the first target headshot damage, so they’re just horrible Bull Butchers in general.

Why only buffs again?

The game is already way easier than Vermintide. Please stop making this game a no-brainer where every weapon can do everything just because poeple don´t want to deal with drawbacks, don´t want to lower the difficulty or just don´t want to get better at the game and prefer to rely on stats.

WE NEED NERFS to keep the game engaging and fresh! If you continue to cater the “buff please”-crowd, damnation will fall to the level of champion in V2, while heresy will become as pointless as sedition-malice are.


As far as i can see there are two ways to deal with this;

1: Keep weapon strength in check in order to keep difficulty up
2: Let weapons have powercreep but keep releasing new difficulties

It seems to me that they are opting for #2, and this usually works for a while until eventually weapons/skills become so ridiculous that they need to be reined in (looking at you, destiny 2)

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Maybe now, that we have so many actually unique and exciting weapon options, there is no more need to make items „unique and exciting“ by having lots of RNG involved in the modifiers and other stats on them.

Maybe we get to eliminate RNG soon.
Maybe we get to SELECT both perks and both blessings, and will be able to upgrade weapon modifier stats.


Plasmagun is already really good it just has a high skill ceiling. If you’re failing with it, its literally just a skill issue.

Plasmagun is S tier in the hands of someone who know’s how to handle it, its F tier in noob hands.

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I made an account just to say the change to Crucian Roulette is really bad. Please buff the HH auto in at least crit chance to make the crit build viable. The new change is a huge drop off for it.


Wait, revolver got nerfed…? Come on you guys, was revolver really too strong???

This will only split the playerbase and who is actually playing sedition away from speedrunning for weeklies anyway?

Poeple have to be double left-handed, disabled or just “too old” to atleast run malice down properly. The most will beat heresy easily over time and it´s not even that much skill involved anymore with all the buffs.
We already have A LOT of players running damnation and clearing it regularly. We need those nerfs to keep the game challenging otherwise the game won´t offer anything in long terms. They could also adjust the current difficulties, but adding another is just wasted time / effort and again… will split the playerbase at some point.

Power-creep to cater poeple that don´t want to get used to a game with multiple difficulties is a joke.

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You must be happy! At least they nerfed one of the weapons we asked for a buff, and nerfed none of the ones where several think they are too strong (including the flamer).


There’s a better solution. This is so simple.
Increase the difficulty for the levels we have.

Sedition would be increased just a little in difficulty (frankly, it is impossible to die, even for a totally new player).
But Uprising would become malice, malice would become sort of heresy, heresy would be sort of damnation and damnation a damnation+.

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As i´ve said yes, they could adjust the current difficulties. But it´s wasted time and efford since they just need to stop / revert some of the buffs they´ve made. Nerf flamer / bolter / PS on top and the game looks quite fine even if it´ll be still somewhat easier than V2.

The current direction is just not good in long terms. All those stats on blessings will always last in a meta-choice which makes 80% of them useless. We need utility there to define our playstyle, not double-damage for holding LMB.
And people will grow in skill if you let them. But no, the current direction will let them rely on stats even if they don´t want them. So adjusting or adding new difficulties in the future will last in the same “buff please” threads, because the poeple got never good at the game… they never had to be.


FSR 2.2! heres hoping server performance has seen some tweaking, the game was feeling a touch different yesterday, less roller skating, a bit “tighter” etc.