Issue Type (Required):
Enemy Mechanics
Issue Description (Required):
In 2 games a stormer was behind different walls and cast through them because they have no collusion.
Screenshot 1:
Screenshot 2:
There are more areas on the same map but i dont have any screenshots of them yet.
Level Name (Optional):
[Chaos Wastes] The Citadel of Eternity
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam
In general I just wish FS would play through Citadel of Eternity like a couple of times and record bugs as they go
That map in particular is such a mess that it feels futile reporting all of them…like, I guarantee they’d find plenty in Legend and Cataclysm
1 Like
September 19, 2024, 2:35pm
I wish it too, to see their faces when wallhacker gunner gets to them, or when there is 2 rampart monsters and a cluster of leeches or blight stormers at the same time, or when you spawn behind point of no return, mmm Fatshark in a nutshell. Or just to see them play recent weekly on cata
September 19, 2024, 2:36pm
gunners can shoot through floors in all the citadel ! or maybe the whole game
September 26, 2024, 2:37pm
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