Chain Weapon backstab kills sometimes does not give ability cooldown via Pious Cut Throat

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

The Perk: Pious Cut-throat does not give ability cooldown back if the kill was made with a chain weapon attack using “rev up” in such a manner which results in the target dying, but not to the first few damage ticks.

This can be easily seen with Crushers.

I believe the issue lies in the fact that the attack loses recognition as an attack when the rev-up code is being used, but I could not know.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Use chain weapons against any enemy in the aforementioned manner, can be easily seen in sanitarium.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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