Can´t join matches as Grail Knight

Just bought the Grail Knight and tried to join some Quick Matches but everytime im joining one i spawn as Mercenary, otherwise when i Host one everything is fine.


Same here. Tried twice and no possibility to quick play in a game as GK.

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@FatsharkJulia That seems to happen when you join an host without the dlc =o


Did you check with hosts? I joined two out of two successfully (to keep) and I didn’t check but I’m fairly sure neither one had the DLC.

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It feel exactly as @Froh said, happened only a few time that i joined as Grail, and as most people actually play as Grail if they own the DLC, it would make sens.

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Makes sense but i relly hope they fix it soon

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Guessing the same. Sometimes I can join as Grailknight, sometimes not.

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