Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
It is possible to de-spawn the floor in the house with multiple doors you can open and find pots and other “stuff” in. Once the floor is de-spawned other characters fall and can get stuck in weird places.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
- Play on A Parting of the Waves
- Get to the part of the map, before the elevator event, where there is a house with a bunch of intractable doors and a bunch of goodies in it.
- Climb to the top of all the stairs, turn left and jump on the wood supports to get even higher.
- While up there jump to de-spawn the floor.
Level Name (Optional):
A Parting of the Waves
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam