21st Moebian Badge

There are some cosmetics you can get if you played the game before Nov 17 2023.
I didn’t even know this before i saw some people with the badge. I googled my way through here to ask why i didn’t got it? I’ve got the beta helmet and stuff but they somehow missed me here.
How can i claim it?

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Have you checked your inventory? It doesn’t make a notification that it’s there (check backpack on normal human)

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I didn’t check because i thought it worked like the Warhammer Fest thingy where you get a code to redeem. Will check tomorrow and in case i don’t reply i drown in shame for not looking at my cosmetics first and feeling retardeed about it. ^^

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Ironically this is now my favorite veteran hat since its one of like 3 rebreathers in the game with tubes

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Now, imagine it with a helmet :fire::fire::fire:

Just check for the cosmetics in your inventory when you have the time. If the cosmetics aren’t there you can submit a report to Fatshark and explain the problem, they should fix it for you! :blush:

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