Your Highlights of 2024

  • Lock breaks single handedly saved the game for me (that and finally getting in to the moding scene so I could get more loadouts/fix some other annoyances that where started to crimp my fun). The amount of build variety that opened up after I could actually get the weapon I want instead of spending an entire evening on rolling 1 weapon only not to get anything better than what I had is just astronomical.

  • To @Elodie 's point, the Force Greatsword has rapidly become one of the best things to ever happen to Psyker. They just feel so good, give you a ridiculous + 5 stamina (allowing you not to have to run a stamina curio for even more build variety/affordances), feel incredible to learn and get good with, and give Psyker the ability to truly feel good in melee combat. Not just functional, but good, with the massive push and ‘partial push/grab’ range allowing for full control of the wave and even the ability to ‘slap down’ crushers/push away bulwark shields with the amount of force it provides. It feels great, and half my builds use it now, with it only not being on all of them for the sake of variety XD

  • To further the previous point, the general Psyker talent rework has gotten me even more into the class I already ‘always fell back to’. Talent tree rework just made it so freeing to be a psyker, so many options, so much learning to do and get better at. You can still get dropped pretty hard when not paying attention, but it just feels so nice. I’ve finally gotten on the ‘3 stamina’ train when using a Dueling Sword/Knife/Force Sword and it’s been absolutely eye opening to say the least. That on top of the Greatsword note above has made all my builds feel a lot more ‘aligned’ with 5-6 stamina between them and it feels great (while still having 200-202 toughness based on toughness nodes chosen + curios, thank you +15 base toughness very cool I approve). Warp Splitting + Warp Unbound have been the two best additions to Psyker as well (along with the melee attack speed + By Crack of Bone as ‘very nice to haves’) making me fully able to make ‘Assail builds’ that can absolutely decimate entire waves when all the cards are right (rager spam helps with that with EP procs letting you just infinitely throw funny knives and it feels so good watching hordes just melt to your tiny blades of doom, throwing just knife after knife, only stopping once everything is dead and you run out). I could go on but it’s been a treat, and I feel there’s a reason there always seems to be 2 to even 3 Psykers running around in Auric+ at this point. ‘You got bored with Bolt/plasma gun/melee spam, and where did it bring you? back to me’.

  • Havoc was cool, needs a lot of help in the systems department, but I can safely say if they took the enemy/monstrosity density of 35-40 havoc and just put that in auric, even an ‘Auric+’ tier with matchmaking, I’d be a happy guy. It’s the single funnest thing about the game mode, and it’s what has me still doing my ‘1 40 run’ a week even after grinding through the party finder hell to get the armor. I can only stomach that once a week at this point now though, would love for that to be different but the death of buildcrafting in that gamemode makes it a ‘nice novelty’ and nothing more to me. I again, just hope they take the ‘fun stuff’ out of it and give us that stuff in better modes, or make havoc actually fun without 150 golden toughness and a Psyker bubble xD.

  • New maps have always and continue to be a treat too, Dark Communion has been rather fun, I LOVE Gloriana even if it’s always a ball buster and I rarely get to get past the intro because people are just not great at this game/look to get carried and die horribly to the enemy density xD. But they continue to make great stuff in that department and keep making quick play that much better. Rolling Steel is no longer AS torturous to go through either with their improvements to it, so that’s nice.

Overall, been having a lot of fun, and feel I can finally say ‘things are moving in the right direction’, even if it’s still as slow as it tends to be XD. But, I’m enjoying my time, and that’s a big improvement. (even if I now spend a lot of time swearing at console/newbie rejects clicking on auric without a clue. But, I can’t say I don’t enjoy the rare times I actually fully preform and drag some sorry rejects through the finish line, 14 corpses and all, and sometimes even get cudos for doing so).

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