Are there any plans to implement some mechanisms to deal with host issues before this launches? I was kind of surprised to find a game releasing in 2018 with no host transferring or any other kind of host options. Today I had a situation where we were literally 2 steps away from finishing the mission only for the host’s connection to lag out and drop us out of the match.
There are a lot of Xbox games that try to mitigate host connection issues in a variety of ways. Warframe allows you to set the minimum ping you want to play with. They also have host transferring implemented. In addition you should try to pick the best connection of the group members to make the host and give people that know they have a bad connection the option to check a box that says “never host.” At a minimum, if you can’t do any of that stuff, at least give people their xp and rewards for any progress they’ve made if a host issue drops them out of the match at or near the end.
You guys should really work on this before it launches. It’s my only major problem with the game.