Why did we come back with holy scriptures and grimoires if the Hives are teeming with arch-techs?

It feels like I’m back in Fantasy Battle, where there is secret knowledge and magic, and the Era of forgotten technologies, where the Adeptus Mechanicus is ready to offer many of the current and rare technologies for archtech, including rare armor sets, legendary weapons that have their own history. The world of Warhammer is built on faith, in the heroism and steadfastness of humanity, so grimoires and writings - it seems to me that there is nothing worth going down to the lower levels of the hive and risking their lives for.
And most importantly, why don’t we get Rogue Traider contracts?
Why can’t players issue contracts to search for certain schemes, mechanisms, lost knowledge in order to assemble and calibrate their weapons, bring part of the legend of the world into their equipment? To really become a legend who has descended so many times to the lower floors of the hive that he can no longer count, and his armor consists of legendary, lost parts and litanies?

If there was even a hint of an undiscovered STC in this hive, the AdMech would be all over it, and Moebian 6th would be wiped in days.


But we all know perfectly well that Nikromunda is a great example?

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But we’re not going on these missions for grims/scriptures.

We’re doing it to fix water or turn on a smelter, etc

We just happen to be able to (optionally) bring back friendly/enemy intel if we happen to find some.


I have strong feeling, that “books” were added as “extra time consuming mechanic” lately. 'Cos you know why.

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It is just the reuse and renaming of a system that was in VT2.

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