Outcast Engineer:
• Linked Compression Chamber - This allows for Bardin to immediately mow down specials and bosses making it extremely easy to progress through the level even by yourself without worry.
• Bombardier- Allows Bardin to spawn with 2 bombs right off the start, on top of all the bombs you can get from the spawn while giving him both effects of the bombs. This is very versatile allowing you to bomb hordes, specials, and bosses to no end. The damage against bosses is so high with the bombs along with staggering him constantly. Mix this with the troll hammer torpedo and the bosses can’t really move or pose any threat.
Foot Knight:
• It’s Hero Time- Resets charge cooldown when a teammate is incapacitated. When mixed with the Numb to Pain talent this allows Kruber to be invulnerable for 3 seconds when he uses the charge. This allows Kruber alone to nullify any good ambushes made by the rats.
Warrior Priest:
• Without any input provides 15 % extra HP to the whole team. He also generates crazy amounts of green HP (From Fury, Fortitude) just bonking slave rats and can reactively nullify well timed high damage skaven ambushes without any counterplay just by pressing his ability. Additionally he himself has crazy amounts of damage reductions and is hard to take down.
There may be some additional topics to be brought up once we have done more testing on somethings.
This isn’t ideas to buff the class it is what is wrong with the class. We want the skills to be nerfed or some kind of way to turn it down so they aren’t just running through destroying everything, so that every character is useful. but people are just sticking to one combo because they are so overpowered.
For Kruber only Grail Knight seems to be very situational - Mercenary and Foot Knight are great, and Huntsman works but requires more effort.
For Saltzpyre all careers are viable, with Warrior Priest being an absolute beast even without a ranged option, and Witchhunter Captain suffering a bit from being not specialised enough to stand out.
Kerillian has Run’n’Gun Waywatcher, Safety Handmaiden, Killer Shade and Support Sister of the Thorn, with Waywatcher feeling pretty oppressive due to her ultimate.
Bardin has strong melee and absurd firepower on everything except on Slayer, all his classes feel pretty good.
Sienna I have personally struggled with a lot with every career except Pyromancer, but I have seen all of them do very well: Battle Wizard has great clear and stagger against specials, Pyromancer has a very strong ultimate and no overheat slowdown, Unchained I have seen only once but they absolute killed it, while Necromancer looks weak but provides lots of room with her skellingtons - but the Necromancer staff feels very weak and bad to use.
Linked Compression Chamber: Instead of instantly starting at max fire-rate, halves the time it takes to reach maximum fire-rate.
Bombardier: Remove free bombs at start of mission.
It’s Hero Time: Only refunds 50% of cooldown.
Warrior Priest: This guy was a pain and a half in the RAT, too. On-demand invulnerability and the best tanking ability in the game truly makes him annoying and I dunno how to change this whilst keeping his identity.
Actually you’re not alone, when he first posted it i had to re-read the title and the post twice and still was confused and baffled. Decided to wait for other people to notice before i say anything. Glad i wasnt the only one.
That was my bad, when I was making the list I originally was coming up with ways to fix the issues but after messaging with Quickpaw he said it was more important to explain why things were broken and I just forgot to change the title when I sent it over. I realized this morning that it was probably confusing people.
I used OE in quite a few of my starting matches, but switched after a while.
I did run linked Compression Chamber and found that unless two or more specials (typically gunner and warp fire thrower) worked in unison, you could pretty much wipe them both out without a huge amount of fuss.
I stopped using OE after about 5-7 matches as he just felt… unfair. With a troll spawn, a combination of bombs and Troll hammer rounds meant it died quick and unless I was careless, it didn’t even get a single hit off on me.
In other matches (with players who recognized the damage caused by OE), he was usually targeted first and sometimes by the whole team together in order to wipe him out quickly.