What does perk X do on my weapon

Currently there is no way in game to find out what any of the perks on melee/ranged weapons do.
I dont want to buy a weapon to find out in the psykarium that its hot garbage.

In a perfect world I would like to have a system like the Keyword info in Crusader Kings 3 or Victoria 3.
For anybody that hasent played these games: You hover over a Keyword like Rending and you get a popup with information about what that modifier does. (small demo)
If the description of that Keyword uses another Keyword like and you hover over that you get another popup explaning that.
I get that its not easy to implement, but that would be the optimal solution in my eyes.

I would be fine with having a help page on the escape menu that explains all Keywords if anything else is too time intesive, but PLEASE give me an INGAME way to know what a perk does BEFORE i buy the gun. I dont want to be sifting through potentially outdated fandom wikies

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just noticed that imgur doesnt autoplay gifs anymore, need to click on it to play it…