The Book of Grudges: May Each Be Struck in Time

JFC right for the jugular. You win the internets, good day sir.
I said good day!


I’d also say that the whole premium store and pricing should be the next point of focused critique as it seems to me to be the currently biggest gaping sore left in the game, besides the lack of considerable new content.


Good point, 1/6 of the expected maps. Train woulda been cool on top of 2 new regular maps especially since we only got 1 last time around, but not instead of.


Sure. I think it ultimately just boils down to them having been too busy reworking half the game to allocate resources to introducing new stuff. With the biggest issues out of the way I suspect we’ll see more fresh stuff coming out whenever the next real update is due.

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I could believe busy for QA and maybe a design supervisor or whatever, but map makers aren’t likely doing coding or game design. IDK if they help out with testing or other tasks at times, or if it’s outsourced, but we’ve been basically shortchanged at least 2.5 maps, and even those have been coming in at a sloooow pace before.

Level designing/creating is one thing, but integrating said level with the rest of the mechanics of the game is another that I’m sure involves folks from virtually all disciplines.

Obligatory reminder that they’re apparently working on a PS5 port

Yeah that’ll do it.

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I’m not a game dev, but I’m pretty sure that’s now how maps/levels in game engines work. Hel many games shipped with level editors, and even in a horde PvE game or devs wearing more than 1 hat, it should be far from requiring “all hands-on deck”. If it requires “folks from virtually all disciplines” for a new map then I think something is fundamentally broken.

Even if there’s a PS5 port in the works(afaik engine was already ~multi-platform) as @Ragnarok101 reminded, that shouldn’t require any map makers,asset designers or other artists etc. unless they wear many hats? Most of the people responsible for port tweaks should be coders and testers should they not? Levels and assets shouldn’t require any/much re-working?

Here’s a 2016 article of Stingray Engine level creation and old docs. Most of the public info was back when Autodesk acquired the Stingray (FS BitSquid) engine, end of sale 2018 with the FS version trekking on.
Presumably this PS5 compatible version could also started a while back.


Still waiting for Bots that aren’t Generic McDefault veterans, the ability to pick my own missions. The ability to play with 3 bots that are inevitably better than randoms. You know, features their previous games had because it wasn’t a live service scam.


Bots picking the ‘host’ player’s alt character loadouts and active talent builds seems like ancient and long lost technology these days.
Why is it that most developers keep regressing?


This wasnt a mockery, it’s just preparing for the worse. Youre so negative man, like me :smiley:

Pretty consistently getting new threads about how much everyone hates the cosmetics store now that crafting is done and dusted.

I honestly don’t feel that grudge will be removed any time soon. Fatshark has been really asinine about that particular problem.


they’d first have to admit it to be a problem though and not a “works as intended” :thinking:

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Regarding map selection:

Based on todays livestream Twitch the answer to the question:

When will be finally able to select the maps we want to play?


We can’t really say anything about this

Followed by a few jokes and a sorry. So I’d assume that we can’t expect being able to select maps anytime soon.

I wasn’t able to clip it sadly but maybe someone else also happened to watch it.

FS moderation is also aggressively deleting any negative feedback. Never change, @FatsharkCatfish

Now FS is deleting every message where people voice their dislike of being censored/banned. Great. Enjoy your echo chamber. I’m sure it’ll help with the reception and improvement of the game. What a stark contrast to the constructive way Strawhat handles things.
They also banned telopots apparently. All he did was ask when we’ll be able to select maps/difficulty and modifiers and that map RNG is an issue in the game.

Going in the Book once someone presents proof.

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I got banned when I told them that silencing people isn’t the way to go. Can’t screencap it. And FS conveniently don’t put up their streams. You’ll probably find confirmation in the reddit thread.

Fatshark’s response to the stream:

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So pretty much what I assumed through checking Reddit - this was actually someone attempting to spam getting hammered for it, not ‘silencing criticism’.


Enemy explosion damage being inconsistent and ignoring your toughness. Barrels and exploding flamers ignore it while poxbursters just don’t? Fire barrels deal 1 damage while an exploding flamer deals explosive barrel damage. Getting hit by them is whatever to me but the fact that it ignores your toughness is very annoying and I do not like it.

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