Something needs to be done to slow down the gameplay

100% agree. They are trying to make this too much of a looter shooter and that isn’t what tide games are about. We do naturally look around for healing and ammo, but the crafting mats should NOT be the focus of a mission.

o Like Vermintide 2, we should get more emporer’s gifts from completing missions and when “discarding” we should get money and crafting materials that scale with the rarity.
o EITHER COMPLETELY REMOVE CRAFTING MATS from the maps OR make them secondary objectives so those of us that don’t want to search for them can opt out and those that want them can focus fire. Finding coins in chaos wastes worked because that was a dedicated game mode that you knew what you were getting into and those coins went directly into making you stronger during that run. The crafting mat hunt is a waste of time and creates a divide in the player base between looter shooters who want to search every inch of the map for items and those of us that want to play the game.

I agree that the maps are beautiful and worth exploring, but fatshark is trying to have two different games in one. This is a horde survival game like left for dead and not like Destiny or any other game where looking around the map for crafting materials matters, but they sure as hell are trying to make it like that.

Personally now that I have my weapons to orange and are viable at damnation (Difficulty 5), I don’t care about getting god rolls or crafting the perfect weapon. I just want to play the game and test my limits. I live for those epic clutch moments and what not.

Put simply, exploring these maps for items not associated with health or ammo feels more like a chore or a job instead of actually playing a game. I’M HERE TO KILL SOME HERETICS! :smiley:

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It depends on what you mean by ‘something needs to be done’. I know on higher levels, the waves of enemies gets so tight running ahead is literal suicide. And not moving steadily is also a problem as the game seems to be deisgned to also not move slowly; if you do, constant specials spawn, trying to take out the people in the rear.

What they need to do is to figure out what they could put in a stage that would lure the runners away from running and make them at least want to run around the back corners and look for it. An idea would be the ever elusive/expensive cosmetics. If exploration could reveal a hidden cosmetic, people would be mad if you didn’t slow down some to look for it… at least until everyone already had it.

Another thing I think a lot of runners don’t seem to understand I feel: ‘walking’ is essentially running. What they do is sprinting, wearing out their stamina. Maybe if the devs implemented something where stamina mattered in some fashion, then it would slow some people down. As it is, if you sprint til your stamina is gone, you just keep sprinting anyway. Making players slow to a walk on low stamina would be a horrible thing, but it would definitely stop people from sprinting everywhere. So would making low or no stamina melee attacks slower.

Having no stamina is already basically suicide for a melee engagement. I see a lot of people die by sprinting ahead directly into hordes, finding that they can’t push or block properly, taking hits that they otherwise would have been able to avoid, then leaving the game before I have a chance to even try to get them back up.

I disagree. I think runners should play on the harder difficulties where this behavior is punished (for a reason). Leave difficulties 1-3 for those who don’t want to sprint through the game.

A six hour shop rotation?

No wait! 20 Minute rotations! So people will sit around the shop and not even play the game!
Slowest gameplay if there’s none to be had.

Other solutions:

-Reduce walking speed by 50%

-Add penance: Complete all missions permanently crouching.

-Being out of coherency for too long will crash your game

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You make a very interesting point, Blaster, and like I said I don’t think this is a good thing for new/slower players. That is why Vermintide 2 did it perfectly by giving the players the choice of their maps, difficulty, modifiers (deeds), and most importantly PRIVATE matches including on your own. That way I can speed run to power level my alt characters without having to ruin the experience for other players looking to take their time. However, it isn’t fair that I need to spend 30+ minutes (twice the time if I run through a map as fast as possible) on one map. Level grinding can take over 30 hours if you are spending a half hour on each run and higher difficulties without a good team leads to more fails than successes which once again slows down progression making it take forever for veteran tide players can get to end game and play higher difficulties like we want.

Not coming at your life, but have you played a lot of vermintide before? lol In my experience, what you are describing is actually the opposite of how these games work. Lower difficulties are easy and mean you can breeze through them. Higher difficulties are where you have to take your time, look for healing items, and work more cohesively as a team.

I sincerely do hate that Fatshark has created all these problems that divide the player base because of the lack of mission customization. On one mission, you could have someone who wants to find books, another who doesn’t want books and wants to speed run, another who just wants to kill enemies and play the game (with out looking around), and another who is trying to complete a random penance challenge. All of these different playstyles are a symptom of the real issue here: A LACK OF PLAYER AGENCY IN DARKTIDE. We have no control over which weapons we get to use (the RNG shop dictates that). We have no control over what missions we get to choose from (whatever the RNG map has is what you get and I have had plenty of times where I’m looking for lvl 4 difficulty and there are none). Overall it sucks.

The irony is the best characters for clearing side rooms and chests is the class least likely to bother, the Zealots. They have the best stamina recovery and stamina efficiency for sprinting. Vets have the base stamina of an asthmatic smoker. And yet, the Zealots use all their energy to run from one enemy to the next until the level ends. Sometimes without ever looking back to see if the rest of the team is with them. (I’ve been guilty of this too. It’s easy to fall into purge mode.)

I played with someone recently who refused to move through the map and kept getting trapped way behind us and dying, it was hilarious.

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perhaps they could introduce some way to artificially control fake teammates which stay near you at all times, and don’t require an actual player to control them. thus letting you control the pace of the mission

like offline play, but still on the servers. idk tho, just spitballing here

This game is perfect the way it is.

Slowing would mean a easier progression so a faster rate of game completion.

So i answer to that, grow some and be good at it.

The game IS NOT
Camp > shoot > advance > Repeat

That is purely boring and most of poeple wanna chill and play like that i say by all mean go lv 1 and 2
after that class have different purpose.

Zealot rush in front
Ogryn bash armored and save
Sharpshooter kill special on position
Psyker control incoming threat

Thats is the base of the game, deal with it

please give me your teammates. Personally I encounter the opposite. Take note you CAN explore and keep up the pace. Sometimes it’s not worth exploring though.

Having 1-2 med packs and a ammo crate with no grims or scrips on the map? It’s time to move.
Having grabbed both grims? It’s definitely TIME TO MOVE. I don’t think people realize that grims lower your HP slowly. I know I didn’t and it took a while to notice it. I think maybe adding a stack counter for the grim would help visualize this more.

Slow runs are dead runs in my experience.

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there is LITERALY, curio for it but poeple are lazy

Eh, The curio isn’t exactly clear. I thought when I read it it meant the amount of HP that’s get removed were reduced, but later reading the forums it seems to be just about the ticking aspect.
Then you have 2 perks doing similar thing (Grimoire corruption) and (Corruption) which at first glance clearly makes the 2nd option much better. But alas it doesn’t work on grims, which you wouldn’t know unless you’ve seen them both.

The game is not telling you a lot of things. I don’t think you can fault players for not knowing how exactly everything works. I thought grims removed a % because that would make sense balance wise, but apparently it’s flat 40(?).

The game should add a compendium or bestiary where you can have access to more detailed information IN-GAME. People think everyone will just google, but fact is, majority of players in all games tend to just play and learn as they go and not research.

i dont know what else to tell you, i completly agree with what you saying.

Its surely gonna happen just need time

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