So I just had a game few minutes ago. In the middle of the mission it became clear there are 2 russian nazists in the game. One of them was dropped from some building ledge and bug himself in such spot that it wasn’t possible to pull him up. So we left him and continue with the mission.
Also aren’t the dropped from a ledge players supposed to die if not pulled up in some time? Because this one was staying in this condition for 10s of minutes.
After that we went into an elevator that didn’t allow us to continue because the button was counting the downed one as a condition to continue. So we were stuck inside. I remembered there is a kick function but then it became clear that on of the other players is a friend of his refusing to kick him for the giggles.
So far a normal griefing day for nazists. But the most bizzared thing is when the downed one said in nazi language “Praschai” which I believe means “Send” - and next second I got kicked from the server with Error 2001.
And the whole time they were taunting me and the other normal player to quit the game while laughing.
It seems your infrastructure is compromised.