General tip: you can use melee shove on a pox burster if you are fast enough, saw an ogryn do it with the shield equipped tho I haven’t tested it too much yet so idk the timing.
Ogryn tips: The shield blocks bullets and the special block helps fight demonhosts if you draw agro first, If you have a pox burster coming that can’t be handled you can knock it down with your Special ability (F button) Just try to sprint past it like driving in saint’s row gaining near miss points.
SharpShooter: You have a passive that adds headshot dmg, combine it with your Special ability (F key) to dish out good dmg quickly even the starter lasgun slaps also dont be afraid to spam fire the recoil in this game resembles tarkov a bit you can control it.
Psyker: You can shove a pox burster with your Special ability(F KEY USE IT), some staffs do really good stagger like voidstrike, with salvo it eats hordes aswell.
Zealot: Your F can be used just for a dodge or to close distance, Try it with a good shotgun or pref melee, you can use a chainsword’s special attack then F it stays reved and gets that dmg bonus after the F.
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