Range Critcal Hits on the Head do no extra Headshot dmg EDIT: MULTIPLE WEAPONS NOT A TALENT ERROR

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EDIT: Ive tested multiple weapons today. In the meat Grinder with and without Talents.
almost all weapons dont do Headshot dmg when critting. (Bolters, Revolvers, Hellbore Lasgun, Recon Lasguns and Headhunter Autogun.
I have not yet tested it with other Weapons. I tested my range Revolver build on My Veteran today and saw in the Meatgrinder that Crits on Head dont do Headshot dmg.
Normal Headshot were 1050 on Armored Ogryn Gunner. Critical Body Hits were 600. Critical headshots were also 600. And ITS NOT just the number displayed. they dont get the dmg.
1000 is around half health on malice (meatgrinder). and i needed 4 shots. 1 normal headhot. wich took around half health. and 3 crits on the head.
Revolver definetly doesnt do Headshot Dmg on Crits. it feels like they forget to readd a Number in the dmg Calculation.