The Psyker passive Channeled Force starts its 5s timer when the charged attacks starts, meaning when using an inferno / flame staff it requires you to cancel your fully charged attack in order to get more than 1 primary attack in, which feels counter intuitive compared to void
I think it would be better, for both Inferno and Elektro to start its timer when the attack ends, so that It would allows players to make use of the full 5s timer
Wait a minute.
If the timer starts the moment you start charging, how does it even know if you will finish charging?
After all, itās supposedly a āfully chargedā attack.
Or does it actually work with a partial charge? Not that I ever tried it.
The timer starts when you release or āclick attackā on a fully charged shot, so you charge the shot, then you can hold it as long as you would like, then click to release the attack
on a void staff, thats almost an instant thing, you throw your balls or circles out
on a flame staff, it does a flamethrower attack for about 3-4 seconds
the buff begins when you release the fully charged attack, where as if your flaming, then while the attack is ābeing usedā the timer has already started counting down
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Ahh, ok, I misunderstood. Yeah, that makes sense.