One thing that drives me crazy when I play with randoms is when a low level player joins the team on a difficulty 4 mission. This is something they had in VT2. Power locking difficulty makes a huge difference in quality of life for skilled players. Some days I’m okay with carrying an under-leveled player through difficulty 4 missions, and some days I really just want to have teammates with the right gear and experience.
Three Suggestions:
Introduce a minimum power level for difficulties 3-5.
Make a sliding scale of power you’re willing to matchmake with. If we could choose to be matchmade with lower level players to reduce queue times, or restrict it to people of our own level for a better experience but higher queue time, I think that would alleviate a lot of that gripe personally.
PRIVATE LOBBIES. Sometimes I’d rather play with bots that keep up with me than low level players that don’t know what they’re doing and go off on their own and get killed by a hound, mutant, or trapper.