Please stop letting the Director spawn Specials right behind you with NO WARNING

Most spawns from air within 2-5m of any players just feel strange (excluding unit types which are supposed to be teleporting)

When they spawn on top of you it some times looks like they are attacking from inside your player character…

I’ve seen groups of chaos spawn right in front of me after I quickly turns towards a close wall (2-5m to the wall), I’ve seen that at least a handful of times. The enemies also spawns in a already running state so unless you happen to see it you will get hit…

I’m ok with enemies spawning above me on a cliff where I can’t see them and then drop or skaven coming from wholes in the ground. A lot of it is unfair right now… We can probably learn all locations where enemies potentially can spawn but that should not be required.

What a co-incidence that someone liked one of my comments on this post and then in the match after we encounter exactly this issue.

A rat Ogre spawns.

Then WITHOUT WARNING a blight stormer starts casting his storm from half way across the map. I turn to try to shoot him and IMMEDIATELY get jumped by an assassin with no warning. Then as kruber comes to revive me a hook rat literally spawns right behind him WITHOUT WARNING and a couple of seconds later another spawns grabbing the last living ally.

Then our host rage quits (Can’t blame him at all) and when we reconnect we lose all progress and thus don’t even get XP as a condolence reward. Bit of an F you moment, huh.

And the next two matches weren’t much better. Games having a difficulty hissy fit currently.

Because who doesn’t want a rat ogre in the catacombs followed immediately by a swarm and two silent flamethrowers.

Or maybe a rat ogre in the mines followed immediately by two silent flamethrowers a silent assassin and an army of stormvermin that spawned right on top of us.

This has actually ruined the game for me tonight and I lack the motivation to play it.

how is it no insanely dark in there… i usually can’t see that box

You gotta develop ESP and get good!!!

I’m not a huge fan of the “Disabler”- types, where they were annoying on the lower difficulties, it feels like a instant death sentence on Legend.
Having multiple hookrats in huge hoards mixed with random Stormvermin and Chaos warriors while some teammates is already down just does not translate to a good gaming experience.
Fighting on the edge only to be “afk’ed” out of the fight turns what should be a epic moment into crushing frustration and dissapointment.
There must be a better way of utilize these otherwiese nice and unique classes in a way that does not take away the ability to play the game from the player.
P.s. All misspellings is on purpose to annoy you.

Heh what do you mean “behind” I’ve literally had them spawn right in front of my while I was watching a previously blank area… and poof… there it was.

In fact the most recent incident was only a couple days ago where a gas rat literally spawned in front of me and insta throw a globe in my face.