Please remove Psykers on "No ammo pick ups" missions

Yeah, Idk how you think a class being able to totally ignore a condition that intend for player and enemy to play around it is not trivializing lol.

What’s the threat of melee elite horde when you can just Voidstrike spam at range?

Jealous, Roughneck?

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Let’s not forget that the mission in question doesn’t just remove ammo pickups, but also throws far more durable enemies at you than normal. Ammo or no ammo, that is still challenging to deal with, even for a psyker, on some level. Is it easier for a psyker? Almost certainly. Is it trivially easy? No.


I suspect we’ve got very different definitions of “trivalize”.

A Psyker isn’t going to determine that match for you on their own. A good psyker with a nice stave might make it easier, but that’s…not the same thing. It’s not going to auto-win the mission for you.

Patch 13 Assail legit trivialized content, where even a lower level Psyker could just hit “G” and left-click their way through many games game and their teammates may never have had to pull a trigger regardless how much ammo they may have had. I actually saw people straight up drop out of missions there and felt tempted to myself in some. Was on both sides of that one and wholeheartedly endorsed Assail getting its post-patch 13 nerfs despite absolutely abusing the crap out of it, it’s still my favorite Psyker blitz.

Before this thread, I’d literally never even heard someone complain about Pyskers and this mode. I’ve never seen a Voidstrike stave psyker auto-win this map condition. Relieve some pressure? Sure. But if what we’re up in arms about is one class with one weapon for a single mission modifier, that just doesn’t feel like a major issue.

finally a use case for wf tp meme voidstrike build

That’s just your experience and even then what make you think people shouldn’t complaining now? This is such a dumb argument.

Major or not it’s still an issue, it’s up to Fatshark whether they would try to solve it or spend their development time elsewhere.

The only durable enemy here is just Crusher tbh, Bulwark, Scab Mauler and Scab Rager is pretty easy to kill and most of them will melt from soulblaze snowballing.

Even then a good surge voidstrike/trauma build will kill Crusher with no problem or just knock them on their butt renders them helpless.

I don’t know at which point you find it not easy, outside of special/monstrosity spawn.

Yes, that is just my experience, that’s why I’m sharing it, I made no claims that it was the one universal truth, only that my experience did not match what others were claiming.

The larger point was that it doesn’t appear to be a consistent long-term issue riling people up to date and there’s been no meaningful changes to anything involved in many moons. If psykers were dominating this game mode as hard as is being suggested by some, it’s unlikely that would have gone unremarked in such a static development environment for so long.

People can complain as much as they want, it’s an open forum for exactly that purpose, but it’s also fair to call out noise as noise until it rises beyond that in a thread that has generated no clear consensus on anything.

One class mitigating a mission condition in an alternate game mode isn’t necessarily an “issue”, for some that’s a tactical feature or just part of the game. Whether it is an issue is the real question, not whether it’s worth development time. This is a Coop PvE game that generates it’s ongoing revenue stream from selling e-cosplay bits, not a competitive PvP tournament title. Much like in tabletop 40k when you’re playing a Narrative game, things go differently than when you’re using Matched Play rules, and that’s not an “issue”.

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It’s not supposed to be a melee only mission. It’s a “check your targets and bring ammo regen aura” mission.


There is a huge difference between nerfed scav nowadays and Psyker non chalant trauma staff on this mission.

The easiest fix is to increase the void meter by 60%. But smite actually breaks the game the most on this modifier.

It’s exactly because it’s ‘coop’ pve game that make it an issue, a lot of people don’t find enjoyment in being side character in a 4 players game where their only effectiveness is being meatwall for the another player while they wreak havoc on enemy.

The ‘pve game’ argument only work when it’s single player game where there’s only one main character.

But I’ll just stop it here since I’ve already state my thought and I don’t think further argument would solve anything.

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We… We could team up on this.

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Ha! The classic “no u”, very creative.

More Psyker hate. Ridiculous request. If the mission isn’t interesting at all for you then … don’t play it. Problem solved! You’ll then never be offended by Psykers in No Ammo Pickup missions again. Win - Win.


No :smile:
I would play and I would do nothing and wait until Psyker died :slightly_smiling_face:

By the way, Psyker is one of my favorite classes :slight_smile:

Jokes on you! Smite when using Secondary charged attack doesn’t cause them to blow up as it disengages at 100% peril!

So, a common argument that is that Psykers shouldn’t use guns because they don’t need to use ammo because they have staff. Do you agree with this sentiment? If so, what would your suggestion be? Why do you feel this would be a good suggestion? And how does it improve what’s already there for people who play psyker, and improve the gameplay for people who play with psykers?