On-Topic Wednesdays: Your biggest wish for Vermintide 2!

More NPC’s especially in the missions would be cool.
I made this pretty old post about that

I personally really dislike finisher in games. They take you out of the action only to see a cutscene that get’s boring after the second time.
Even optional finishers that you trigger by pressing a certain button, are a problem in my opinion.
I guess you would be invulnerable during the process.
That would make using finishers mandatory for everyone because they could save you in a lot of moments.

Customizable combos would very likely break the balancing.
The two handed sword for example only gets a vertical attack as pushattack which costs stanima.
This makes the weapon different to use than the executioner sword and it nerfs its anti armor capabilities.
I could simply say i want horizontal light attacks and vertikal heavy attacks and it would just be like the executioner sword.

My wish is a map editor.
Being able to build custom maps and maybe even custom gamemodes would be great.
I would try to recreate a Darkwood type gamemode in Vermintide.

Sorry that i came in here mostly to critisize other persons idears. Keep in mind this is just my opinion so it doesn’t say any idears are bad.

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