Officially taking a sick leave

Theyve deffo not handled the PR well. The trouble with promises is, people hold you to them. But then the trouble with silence is, people make up things in the absence of information. Speculation can be just as bad as broken promises.


not in an arguing way, but this can could back and forth with :“yeah if there aint any options to buy i find it hard to spend money”

some games arent meant to “end”.
to this day i play quake, duke3d, doom etc. and bought all there was to it, even when in 1996 there were dubious “level cds” floating around in the usual dingy gamestore.

by the same logic i bought every witcher/dead island 2/ or cyberpunk dlcs as well as boltgun just “in case for a rainy day”
these are chump change in comparison and i rather spend them into playable than “admirable” content given the option.

heck, game struck my fancy (space marine 2) i bought 500$ worth of mcfarlane figures for when i’m at the mood to paint and display em.

money isnt following me into the hereafter so i damn well make some fun time with and (and not being a miser either)

but having “zero” options to spend these funds is pretty much a one sided dead end to me :man_shrugging:

besides “most people” dont tend to stick around either way, but a way to keep a solid base playercount based on paid content around for a decade or two wouldnt be to anyones detriment i could think of.

i’m talking about 40k fans that discovered darktide or vice versa, guys that would grow some guns in their hayday and tattoo for the and emprah on em :rofl:

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Some games do run their course for some peeps tho. Its very much an individual thing if someone can play past even a few hundred hours. Id wager that most people dont have 1k hours in most games they own.

That being said, I also dont think there is a time limit on when someone can complain about a game. ofc a game thats 20 years old (or more!) will get less sympathy from players and even less likelyhood anything will be done by devs. Try complaining about issues in the original Doom (not an issue with ports, Im meaning the issues that have been in since the start) and I think most peope would kinda just laugh if not worse. Still valid tho, imo.

To paraphrase, compared to Doom original, Darktide really is much more “immeasurably complex”.

I dont really have a point here, just musing :innocent:


heresy, thats a flawless beauty for the ages :joy:

for most even, perfectly normal course of a game.

i’m just sad not having the same options i did 20 years ago is all :cry:

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You can (not) unnet


thats why you work on multiple at once, how else would it even be possible to programm any game in 2-3 year periods, after that logic no game of that devtime could ever have more than 6 enemies

The main thing I worry about, which Ross from Accursed Games is trying to “lobby” against, is if the VT1, 2 and DT servers go down, say FS goes bust, the game is gone.


its then to see wether they swallow their pride and offer a one time p2p - version ( at a reasonable prize )

usually i keep one or 2 previous rigs around i could set up as a server.

but thats a bridge to be crossed then.

best case scenario darktide 3 holds me firmly and as a smooth succession in its grasp, or the same 20 people play an endless circle on the last premade server in the universe.

“bis zur neige”

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Im waaay to cynical, I sadly dont think that will be happening. Best we can hope for imo is for “pirates” to reverse engineer the game which has precedent.
I hope Im wrong.

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Yeah I don’t know
Slow content drops, ages to fix gear and crafting systems and not implementing the small things players wan’t like coloring your gear and so on to make fashion-tide the real end-game has been fatsharks issue for a while.
DT is one of few games that acctualy had benefited from the scary word “games as a service” or a season pass to grind for unlocks.

I haven’t played in a hot minute and stopped around HAVOC but have more hours then you and still feel like I got my moneys worth of gameplay.
Just a little sad that I could have tossed money on this if it had better implementation then a few monthly skins on rotation that cost way to much for each set.

Still gonna suport them
FS makes the best feeling PVE games and I really “click” with the gameplay

Will buy the next game they relese because I always know I will get over 1000 hours of fun and surely a few hundred hours of complaingn on forums why they didn’t change/added some things


Rotating games is important. Don’t stick with any single title for too long or you’ll get burned out. This game doesn’t have enough content to keep someone who’s consistently playing the game 10+ hours a week for years, and most game’s don’t. If you’re playing the game as a part time (or in some cases full-time) job, and have quad digits worth of hours invested in the title, you’re going to end up outpacing the content and burning out.

My playgroups tend to rotate through Darktide, Deeprock Galactic, and Helldivers 2. When one gets stale, we switch to another in the lineup, and between the three there’s typically always something new or that someone hasn’t done yet.

That’s not to excuse some of the mishandling of Darktide, this game released 2 years too early and the lavish devotion to an RNG fetish kink that appears to be ubiquitous among FS management did painful things to undercut the viability of the title for most of its existence while Havoc was a genuine development brainfart that has no excuse given VT2 experience, but no title is going to stay fresh if you’re putting in quad digits worth of hours and aren’t playing other things too. Darktide is in a great place if you’re hopping on with friends for an hour or two a couple nights a week, which is all most players really do, but if you’re the type that hops on and hits the Auric “quickplay” button for hours on end, I can see where that would quickly generate burnout.


wish i could (and this sounds pretty weird i know) but if i aint constantly pushing myself i tend to “dull” and not meet my own expectations anymore.

pvp times gone, past 40, full time job.
when i commit to one thing, i can keep the edge sharp to stay on top.

but say 1 week break for something like conan exiles or other “relax” games i enjoy, i see a visible down next time i start a couple HISTG.

its like hitting the gym after a 1 week bender.
you crave that pump, you wanna stack some more pounds and end up with a mediocre thing that needs “fixing”

i know darktide isnt that type of game but its the one game that provides the same “feel” for me input=output and revive reflexes that lay dormant last 5-10 years.
dopamine and all.

for that, darktide is very unique and every time i play something else thoughts are “you could be clutching histg right now” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

space marine 2, while good, took a different type of “quicktime” skillset that brought me through lethal solo with bots in the end.

(that 2 weeks space marine “all in” took a toll on my darktide performance for a couple days)

but unlike darktide, theres no voluntary hamster wheel i gladly mount, for having the couple mechanics down, you kinda “cap out” and follow the same pace from refill/kill animation to the next.

darktide is rather organic and chaotic on a micro level with tiny situations making for stark constrast in mission progress.


Same here. Iv not played Vermintide 2 for months now… or longer, idk.

When I go back I certainly wont be going in on Legend, I will need to play a couple games on difficulty 2 (whatever its called), then move up to champion for a while till I feel secure. I dont really push myself too much tbh, especially on a game like Darktide where the entire mission and other strangers rely on me not sucking baws.


Wow that’s actually quite small, if it’s both vt2 and DT teams combined and includes admin/HR/finance etc.

I assume they probably have quite a small art team and outsource most of it.

I’d be curious to know how many permanent designers they have, or if they outsource much of that too, which I know is becoming more and more common.


Regarding this RNG fetish, it’s like it was supposed to be an additional difficulty layer. Like getting past such hurdles before actually playing the game was part of the challenge. Which sounds like weird concept to me: keeping players from playing at their best so the game seems more difficult.


The main reason this game keeps me coming back is because I haven’t played another game that can even get close to simulating the adrenaline rush this game provides


I bet you all 20k aquilas that for all that crying he was a main veteran.

Yep I’m truly and hopelessly addicted to it. I do very much wish that content was faster flowing but that’s only because I’ve played it a helluva lot.

I think a new biome with radically different visuals would give the most longevity for an update. Like an area with loads of plants or something. A giant hothouse zone.

Could have loads of huge alien plant life. Seeing something as different as that popping up on the mission board would give the feeling of loads of variety, which naturally makes things feel fresher longer.


you shouldn’t try to have fun if its not fun its ok to move on


Yeah it’s not the devs I think most people have an issue with. I reckon the other half is responsible for far more than half the problems people have with the game.

“Devs” just cop it because it’s a common term and most visible to a player. If a dog doesn’t make a sound at the right time, it’s far simpler to whinge about devs than interrogate key decision-makers about their current/historical implementation/management choices or what-have-you.

People expect

“People expect”

people expect…

I am absolutely gonna beat a dead horse here. People expected solo mode, player agency, regular updates including classes, etc. because these were the expectations that were set more-or-less explicitly by FatShark.

We’ve all heard it ad nauseam at this point, so I won’t elaborate further (that poor, poor horse).

Just want to point out that so often the number of people working on a project is largely eclipsed by the efficiency and leadership of the team. Sure, the internal workings of FS are opaque so their output is judged accordingly.

Which, for the most part, seems fair to do :last_quarter_moon_with_face: