Mixer crashes all day

Mixer has been crashing all day.
Crashes during monster fights constantly, game crashes in general when Xbox menu is used during any play type.
Players loading in, sending invites. Almost anything, even starting broadcasts.
Mixer has failed 50% of my games today. That’s getting to be toward 12 crashes.
July 1st. Seriously need to fix crashes.
Watch Human Intelect on mixer broadcasts. You’ll see :poop:

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The Problem with xbox Home Button bothers me like every day . Most of the Times it causes to Crash the entire xbox.
First game freeze then you get Kicket out to youre Home screen and after a few seconds the console shut Down and youre not able to restart it with youre Controller you need to press the Power Button on the console itself .
On my friendlist like everybody who plays V2 got the same Problem. I play on one X but this also happens on normal xbox one and one S.
Theres also another game freezing error when you want to open youre boxes . You go to the box in the mid of the keep press X and the game freezes … would be nice to get a fix for those especially the one with the Home Button cause it happens like 2 Times every day depending on how often you go to the xbox overley.

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