Misson Selector Needs Major Overhaul

The mission selector as it currently exists is beyond bad. I’ve sat here on the mourningstar mission screen watching missions come and go just waiting for a single Espionage mission to show up for a little over 2 hours now, don’t even care what difficulty it is just want to do the mission type. When there’s on average 12 missions to choose from at any given time why on earth are 50% of those mission slots occupied by Assassination missions? If you have 12 slots on average right, and 7 mission types, don’t you think it would be a good idea to have 7 slots dedicated to making one of each mission type available at all times and then having the other slots add some overlap? One single mission type occupying half of the slots is terrible. A player should not have to sit staring at a mission window for hours waiting for and hoping the mission type they want to do shows up, that’s not even factoring that the difficulty is random too, so you wait 2+ hours for a single misson type to show up, well better hope you and the team you get are able to handle Damnation difficulty because if you can’t you might be waiting another 2+ hours for that single mission type to show up again.