Minimum gameplay changes that would make a world of difference for progression

Alright, to be a bit more constructive, here’s things I’d like to see implemented at a minimum regarding progression and missions. I’m trying to parse all the many suggestions and ideas floating around and get to the simplest seeming solutions given the systems already in place.


  • At a minimum, make it so all crafting and currencies are shared between characters. Bonus: Allow sharing weapons and curios between characters.
  • At a minimum, add the remaining missing crafting options to the game (I know they are coming - but let’s do it quickly!) and don’t implement the anticipated escalating cost for modding weapons. Bonus: Just allow us to pay X resources and pick the ability/properties we want.
  • At a minimum, expand the basic weapon shop to always have one randomized gray weapon of every type that your character has access too. Alternatively, add a crafting option to pay resources to craft a base grey item of our choice from among the weapons we’ve unlocked for that class.
  • At a minimum, tie gear level to your overall account (as it was with item level in VT2).
  • At a minimum, have weekly assignments shared across all characters. Allow assignments that are started to remain locked in when the week ticks over (and/or can discarded for free). Bonus: Remove the completion bonus for completing all five weeklies and just make each one worth more individually. Extra Bonus: Add daily assignments.


  • At a minimum, still go with the randomized missions (zone, mission, secondary, mutators, etc) but let us choose the difficulty for every pre-rolled mission before accepting it. Bonus: Just let us pick the mission and their special parameters directly (even paying an “finders fee” would be fine). Customized missions would still be part of the quick play pool (unless set as a private game).
  • At a minimum, allow private and solo lobbies (I know these are supposed to be coming this month). Bonus: allow parties when formed up to reload into the same hub instance.
  • At a minimum, allow players to have their other characters be the bots on their team when filling in and/or playing solo. (aside: Would actually be pretty cool to have your own band of bots that have some consistent voice line interactions).

If the crafting feature is to be implemented fully, one thing I’d like to see is the ability to customize my equipment’s colors. Inquisitor Martyr has this and it’s just a nice thing to have in 40k game. It’s like painting miniatures except without the exorbitant prices.


Would love a proper recolour system, but based on some cosmetics being pure recolours I doubt they’d cut they’re own content just to give us something better, even if they sold it to us

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One would hope Fatshark would do something that’s fun for us. Ah well.

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