Many Ogryn weapons are objectively ass: comparison to their human counterparts where close comparison is possible

I’ll keep it to summaries and not go into numbers. If you’re actually interested in number comparisons you can head to Darktide Breakpoint Calculator and check out how the numbers compare. Rest assured you can verify what I’m saying there, but it’s beyond my scope to literally compare the numbers in this format.

First, we can compare the Achlys Mk I Power Maul to the Zealot’s Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher.

Indignatus Mk IVe Crusher

  • Speed: one of the fastest weapons in the game
  • Stagger: very high stagger, capable of knocking over crushers and bulwarks with certain talents and blessings
  • Hordeclear: has great cleave values and distribution for for very top of the line horde damage
  • Singletarget: has chainable overheads that allow you to single out and kill elites well.
  • Finesse: has good headshot/crit multipliers especially on the push attack which is capable of oneshotting mutants, twoshotting maulers
  • Moveset: varied moveset that lets you pick between a horde clear combo and a singletarget combo without any resetting
  • Special Attack: activation is spammable quickly and does not slow the zealot down much
  • Blessings: has slaughterer to elevate pretty much all of this by another 50%, skullcrusher which it can capitalize on by itself due to great cleave and stagger and attackspeed values

Achlys Mk I Power Maul

  • Speed: one of the slowest weapons in the game (if not THE slowest)
  • Stagger: high stagger, but less than the crusher, is not capable of actually throwing crushers to the ground, slower attacks mean less horde CC
  • Hordeclear: usable cleave values but only on the heavies and decidedly far worse than the crusher
  • Singletarget: Light 1 and Light 2 are decent singletarget but pointless to use because the sideways swings heavy, while harder to hit, are still harder hitting.
  • Finesse: has borderline nonexistant headshot/crit multis on any attack (roughly 25% more damage on a headshot crit)
  • Moveset: Can chain heavies. Have to block cancel to keep using the lights. There are no combos. For some reason Light 3 and 4 are unusably bad and don’t chain back into 1+2.
  • Special Attack: activation slows you down to an actual standstill and is far slower than the crusher, but otherwise functions about the same
  • Blessings: no power blessing, skullcrushers can alleviate some of its issues somewhat but its more of a support blessing since it’s very slow to apply outside of the activation and the weapon basically swings slower than enemies stagger animations lasts for

Conclusion: In literally every single metric I could think of, the Power Maul loses. Keep in mind that this is THE ogryn weapon, shown on the box art and most promotional material.

Second, we can compare the Ogryn Brute-Brainer Mk III Latrine Shovel (the non foldable variant) to the Veterans Munitorum Mk I Sapper Shovel (the non foldable variant also)

Vet’s Munitorum Mk I Sapper Shovel

  • Speed: one of the fastest weapons in the game
  • Stagger: decent stagger, but nothing outstanding (outside of the special attack). Can lock down hordes very well due to attack speed and nature of heavy combo
  • Hordeclear: has great cleave values and distribution for very good horde damage
  • Singletarget: With the meta blessings light spam actually ramps up to have pretty strong damage if you keep hitting headshots. Capable of doing more singletarget damage than the ogryn shovel that way. Otherwise lacking
  • Finesse: Completely average headshot multis (roughly double damage on a headshot crit)
  • Moveset: Straightforward heavy spam for horizontal chaining heavies for cleave, light spam for diagonal strikes for singletarget.
  • Special Attack: activation is spammable quickly and staggers every non-boss enemy in the game including mutants. Can borderline stunlock crushers (even on bodyshot) and opens up Bulwarks with a heightened stagger animation on headshot.
  • Blessings: Decimator and Uncanny Strike basically let this wep deal with anything, very high value blessings

Ogryn’s Brute-Brainer Mk III Latrine Shovel

  • Speed: on the fast side for Ogryn, but slow compared to the Veteran Shovel
  • Stagger: decent stagger, but nothing outstanding. Can lock down hordes decently due to alright cleave and decent speed
  • Hordeclear: Worse damage profiles on the combo than the vet shovels hordeclear combo, all around.
  • Singletarget: Pretty good singletarget when overhead spamming, but must block/qq cancel to keep doing that. Otherwise roughly same as the shovel without decimator.
  • Finesse: Dogwater (+25% damage on a headshot crit or so)
  • Moveset: Decent hordeclear combo that alternates lights and heavies, but no real single target combo, have to either mix in wide cleaves or block cancel. Lights on their own are basically worthless.
  • Special Attack: Punch throws some specials and dreg ragers around. Throwing dreg ragers to the ground has middling uses because other staggers will reset them to their feet. Causes minor flinch animation on maulers and can interrupt the overhead. Opens up Bulwarks the same as the Vet shovel on headshot. Can’t do anything against Crushers or Mutants. Slower than the vet jab and combos worse.
  • Blessings: Skullcrusher and Thunderous are basically the only usable blessings on it, but suffers from the same issue as the powermaul, the combination of medium speed, relatively low stagger and medium cleave means you won’t actually benefit from skullcrusher a ton yourself.

Conclusion: In every single metric, the Ogryn shovel is either on par or worse. Keep in mind this is on principle the exact same weapon, both in terms of gameplay niche and style (except the Ogryn one is 3x bigger and wielded by an actual 2 ton ogre)

I think these are the most 1:1 comparisons you can pull, weapons that are conceptually very much the same but executed with very different numbers. Or at least I got bored and couldn’t think of any more right now. Stuff like Bully Clubs are also very undertuned, but have no close comparison.
If I got something wrong just correct me. I’m fairly confident due to having used all of these a ton but this is more of a theory writeup and I may misremember small details about some weps. I may go test some of the stagger stuff I wasn’t sure about on the spot.

My thoughts are as follows: All in all I just wanted to show how oddly undertuned on principle many of Ogryns weapons are, despite being 2x bigger and in the hands of a class that is by design slower and less nimble. I’m not saying they have to be downright superior, but for them to have worse damage profiles, worse cleave, worse finesse multis, and worse breakpoints on basically everything on top of having worse attack speeds and movement speeds across the board just feels utterly wrong and nonsensical both from the weapons feel in comparison and how they’re balanced on a slow heavy hitter melee class.

To summarize, it seems that on principle many Ogryn weapons were designed to be slow, low damage, high stagger weapons. They then gave the human variants of the same weapons more speed, more damage and more stagger and the same reach. Obviously that’s pretty bad design.
The other notable design difference is that Ogryn weps don’t get much headshot/crit damage. I understand that the devs internally call it “Finesse” and probably thought “Finesse? That’s not an Ogryn trait!” but in reality it just makes his weapons ass. Why wouldn’t a big ass club hurt more when it hits the head or gets a lucky kidney shot in?
And lastly, batter helps cover a lot of these issues up by just making the Ogryn bleed everything. Not baseline though, and not pickable on different Ogryn builds, so the weapons just suck ass without it. Some weapons even suck ass with it, because their heavies aren’t good. Meanwhile e.g. Vet can pick up a 100% ranged build and still do great with a sapper shovel (and it’s not even like, a really meta weapon to begin with)

Honorable mention goes out to many Ogryn weapons having crit blessings, despite Ogryn having crit in the negatives with some weapons, and basically no crit talents. (and no finesse multis as mentioned).

My constructive suggestion to fix this is to try these weapons out on a gunlugger build without batter and tune them up to perform adequately there. At the bare minimum, all weapons should feel usable without batter. This is currently not the case for roughly 70% of ogryns arsenal.


I main the Mk III Folding Shovel on my Veteran.

It CAN stagger Crushers out of their Overhead Attack, but it’s also EXTREMELY risky to do so because it won’t always save you in time.

You’ve got to get that Pick into their skull pretty early on during their Overhead Attack if you don’t wanna go down with them.

I got a little lazy with spelling out the mark names so it was confusing, I specifically am comparing the non-folding vet shovel, which has a little throat chop move with surprising stagger properties. I edited the proper names in now so it’s more clear

Also, as a sidenote, I passed on comparing the foldable variants as I think they’re bit too far apart in terms of actual moveset and damage profiles. The ogryn ones are closer to weird combat axes and kind of lose the CC aspect entirely, whereas the vet ones remain CC-y, so I figured it’s not a good 1:1 comparison. Coincidentally the foldable Ogryn shovels are also a bit more acceptable tuning wise (the MK5 at least)


Ahhh, I gotchu. My bad.

Yeah, that’s fair. Didn’t Ogryn’s non-Folding Shovel used to be able to completely stunlock Monstrosities with its Special? That thing’s just sad nowadays.

I’m just glad that the 2-Handed Pickaxes are good. I like 2-Handed Weapons.


Yeah, although that was obviously busted I’m surprised it wasn’t retained in some form. I see nothing wrong with an ogryn punch staggering a monstrosity once on a longish cooldown or something, considering a vet with krak grenades and shout can chain up to 5 staggers on a monstrosity.
Unfortunately other applications got absolutely ruined in the patch that adjusted all stagger values for other enemies too. The shovel punch in particular used to throw maulers on their asses and make reapers and bulwarks sit down, too. Was very fun and did not feel OP whatsoever. Rather it felt really fitting that one Ogryn hitting another Ogryn with an uppercut would knock him over.


I agree! However, Fatshark “balanced” it with a sledgehammer instead of a scalpel. :joy:

Some other Vet and myself managed to instantly wipe a Chaos Spawn that appeared near a ledge by simply timing our VoCs correctly. However, that sort of thing’s not exactly uncommon in the 'Tide games. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yeah, I remember this! You can find and watch older Darktide gameplay videos where Ogryn players are just completely flooring any Human-sized enemy with their Special Attacks. I think that it was funny as hell and felt very appropriate. :smiling_imp:


Here we are! This is a good one:


You called out Fatshark. This will result in them ignoring your feedback and digging their heels in the sand.

I don’t understand how lorewise adding bleed even makes sense. Maybe for sharp weapons, but for blunt weapons and pickaxe he should add brittle with each strike as a talent.

100% agree with your post. I hope FS sees the light. But considering my experience with V2, I doubt it.


First update of the year:

“The Big, the Bad, and the Ugly” Ogryn rework


Also try the weapons without Soften Them Up.

That talent should really just be baseline Ogryn, it’s simply too good to not pick. Just one of many examples of the reworks Ogryn needs when your choice is “15% more damage on everything you hit” or “more impact”, on the class that usually staggers most things anyway.


Good point yeah, it’s another one of those talents that might just cause them to undertune the weps by 15%. I did notice 25% impact does actually have some interesting effects, certain weapons get to stunlock crushers with it, but having it right next to 15% damage to basically everything is just a losing battle anyways


Man, I’ve tried to make vets shovel work… I’d happily trade vet’s mk7 for the ogryn’s mk5…

I feel like ogryn shovel is good

Blessings are what I feel make it badass. Vets don’t have access to brutal momentum.

Not sure the playtesters are particular fan of those decisions.


Can you elaborate exactly on why they are incestious?

To add onto this, Ogryn Clubs still appear to have the very, very bad 3 target damage cap. I’m fairly sure they’ve said they’re removing this, but it does not seem to be the case, at least according to Darktide Breakpoint Calculator


Imo most ogryn melee are balanced around you having the 10% attack speed node in heavyhitter so they are made slower on purpose. which is far from good since its a mid upgrade. zealot and vet get attack speed nodes that have far better uptime.

I really think ogryn could use a default attack speed buff. its so bad that some slower weapons like branx make switching to bliz feel noticeably slower if done mid swing

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other than the Pickaxe, Ogryn melee weapons are sub par up and down the whole catalog

how about a smaller more mobile shield with your choice of 1h weapon?

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His voice lines make up for his weapons lack of punch.

Jokes aside, agree with OP.

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they also have a hard time even hitting the amount of enemies they were buffed to hit when they made the club hit 4 enemies on light attacks. the basher club can hit 3 scab bruisers with those 2 light openers it does. the rest can’t. nor can the shovel on the subject, since the shovel actually has 6 targets in the relentless swings and you can almost never come close to that without brutal momentum. because even poxwalkers you’ll stop on like number 4. they should have buffed ogryn hitmass on his weapons like they did the human ones when they buffed enemy hitmass. especially ones like scab bruiser (3.5).


We can stretch it out to include other comparisons if we believe in ourselves.

Bruatos and IAG’s might not be doing good, but at least they shoot when you pull them out… and in the direction you’re facing, too! Unlike two of the Twin-linked stubber mks.

This next weapon isn’t at all on my list of things I want devs to spend any more time on, but the draw speed and recoil of the Uno barrel stubbers mks are ass, as well. Do people still compare them to bolters?