Lasgun recoil

what i meant really is that i didn’t quite belived it to be a real conversation of any official work, so i inquired if it was.

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Honestly I would be interested in seeing your equations too, assuming your rude response to Orson wasn’t a copout.

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Some lasgun patterns don’t recoil, some do (in the 40K universe). They opted for the recoily ones because honestly, guns that don’t recoil feel like bad to use and need unfun balance to make them not hugely OP.

And It’s just a game, it’s not real life…

Lasguns are fine like they are.


venting hot gas out both ends of the barrel seems like a really bad idea

people die from backblast on RPGs and recoilless rifles you know

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Obviously lasguns are named after their inventor, Magos Hiram Las

Yes, that is why an even better idea is to not have any gas in the ‘barrel’ at all. That’s the bit of my message you decided to skip. :wink:

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How else would you cool it?

Cool what?

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I love the idea of differentiating lasguns from ballistics weapons, at the moment they’re painfully similar.

Give them no recoil or magazine, fire straight from the battery but have a capacitor gauge limited at 10 shots or whatever that must recharge over a few seconds before you can fire again. Can tune the cool down to counter the lack of recoil.



as a time traveler who has spent several month in the distant future that would translate to the year 39.284 in your calendar I thought I might shed some light on this topic. I am not an engineer nor a military expert but I have seen rifle and handgun sized laser weapons beeing used. Those weapons are much more powerful than everything your timeline has seen to date. The heat generated with each shot as a side effect is immense and therefore a complex cooling system is at work to prevent the weapon from overheating and melting. I will try to explain it in a very simplified version.

Basically, a solid matter compound material gets vaporized during the process of a shot to cool certain parts of the gun. Now, that gas has to exit the weapon immediately to relief pressure. Since the gas is very hot it cannot escape from the back, top, bottom or sides of the gun since that would present the risk of burning the shooter or their neighbour. That is why this exhaust has to be released in a direction away from the shooting individual. This sudden outflow of gas is responsible for an effect very similar to the recoil of those ancient guns you are currently using. Therefore the recoil on laser weapons in your ridiculous depictions of the 41st millenia is correct. I hope I was able to clear things up.

PS: I won’t answer personal messages on which stocks to buy.
PPS: Please don’t try to befriend me, I will leave this epoch soon.

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And what is the reason that we don’t see or hear that venting or in fact see any features on the weapon that would facilitate it. And we should see it because by your description it should be much more noticeable than something like this because that kind of side venting is more than acceptable:

Also I believe the only reason lasguns in DT have recoil is this:

Which is what I said:

Nice legend though.

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Im all in for weapon variety and i think the lasgun having no recoil or an insignificant amount of recoil would make it unique instead of just another gun but at the end of the day if they release it as is i wouldn’t lose sleep over it.

Skimming this, it seems like there’s some people confusing the hard rearward action of a firearm with machine vibration.

I can’t say with certainty, but I’ve read (think it was in guns and ammo, long time ago) that rifling radically increases recoil. Most people think of shotguns as harder recoiling but shotguns are also larger bore then most rifles, and by a large margin. The word from people who shoot muskets though, is a smoothbore musket of the same bore as a rifle from the same time will kick a fair bit less.

That’s presented as rumor, and I wouldn’t be too surprised to be wrong.

That said, I remember a the commentator saying you would think this would produce a rotation like a drill does, but it feels entirely as a rearward push. Might be worth experimenting with a large bore made from ultra light materials to overcome relative mass to the projectile.

Now, personally I don’t think an overgrown flashlight should shake or recoil, but even if you think an object should shake, that’s not the same as saying it should recoil.

I was describing actual laser weapons of the future not the laser weapons in this absurd fictional entertainment simulation of the 41st millenium. Too many things are wrong with this vision of the future to name them all. And how are the creators of this software to know that actual laser weapons in about 38.000 years are using a cooling system as I described it. Why the cute toy-dissipator you showed in the picture does not work? I don’t know, probably a thousand reasons. But I know that the engineers of the future know more about actually working laser weapons than you do.

Why do you think your faulty imagination of future laser weapons (without recoil and other faults) is less wrong than the faulty imagination (with recoil but other faults) of the creators of this video game? If you can answer this qeustion honestly to yourself you may find true wisdom.

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I didn’t say it didn’t work.

I’ve already found true wisdom in the form of a screencap of Hedge’s reply on reddit, so I dunno what you’re talking about. If you don’t have any constructive input to this dead horse of a thread, I bid you a safe journey back to the 40th millenium :slight_smile:

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My apologies. I was under the incorrect impression rhetorical questions are commonly understood by humans of this era. I myself of course implied that your tool does not work.

To mistaken this comment of a mere community manager of a single video game as true wisdom would be a grave error. True wisdom does not stop at the borders of a single video game. Understanding the general interlacing and interplay between science and fiction, where ones domain ends and anothers begins, how to respect one without violating the other is an art you seem to be not interested in mastering. Maybe not even in understanding its fundamentals. As a consequence any science-fictional discussion with this attitude will be poisened and void of the constructivness you claim to seek.

My travels will not lead me to the far future any time soon. What you considered the past is what awaits me.

It can be true only in the sense that rifled ammunition and rifles in general usually have way faster projectiles that just carry more impulse and leave the barrel faster and therefore kick more.

It does due to the fundamental laws of mechanics, it’s just very minuscule compared to the recoil impulse and to the inertia of the weapon itself.

Recoil is just a peculiar shake :slight_smile:

You are correct, I was speaking only about DarkTide, because it is the appropriately named forum section. Also it is a first person shooter, and in this genre these things matter as opposed to other genres. If there is no consensus in the literature, there will be none across different games because they will reflect subjective visions of their creators, so I don’t know if generalizing is any more useful.

The generalization applies only to the way you personally approach science-fiction. Wether you actively try to misunderstand my words or not - my point stands.

I will be on my way now. Do not lose hope my fellow humans. Better times will come (and worse). I promise.

Maybe the gun can overheat instead of recoil? Melt into itself and burn your hands?

A far more grim outcome imo.