KNOWN ISSUE: Weekly Contracts progress stuck

Same here. The count seems to update about half the time it should. Just now I completed a mission where we picked up all three scriptures (I got one myself) but the count for the weekly task remained 23/25.

Same here. I can’t complete a penance too. Got stuck at 295/750 melee kills.

Hi there - weeklys reset today and it’s not updating any progress after a few missions.

SteamID - Sign In

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Issue Description:
When doing weekly challenges progress is not properly recorded.
This is affecting every single quest.
At first I thought it was only related to scriptures, but some times nothing is recorded.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Obtain challenge objective
  2. Play any mission
  3. Progress is not properly recorded

Mission Name (If Applicable):
Any mission


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Most recent around 19.00 CET

Reproduction Rate:
Most of the time since last update

This is working now - I verified the integrity of my game files and now it’s tracking correctly:

1 Like

Issue Description:
when doing weekly challenges progress is not properly recorded. None of them update, melee kills, scripture pickups, missions completed, etc.

Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]

  1. Obtain challenge objective
  2. Mission completion is not properly recorded
  3. Kills not recorded

Mission Name (If Applicable):
most of them, I don’t remember specifically what missions I’ve done


Player ID:
[Shoctopus/ Steam Community :: Shoctopus ]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
10:30 am PST 12/5/22

Reproduction Rate:
Often (80%)

console-2022-12-05-18.19.05-029deef0-99e8-45da-93ec-f343c228fa40.log (176.5 KB)

Steam ID: Regnirok
Steam Profile: Steam Community :: Regnirok

I’ve now missed out on 4 missions and 8 scriptures. And this is annoying.

I believe the last two instances have been on Refinery Delta-17 Disruption mission. I’ve been tracking scripture pickups and mission completions at end of map this week(unfortunately not which missions they were though), and I’ve not received progress on anything beyond 1 mission and a single Scripture pickup.

I experienced this issue last week intermittently. I would have 1-2 missions not register with Melk, but then the next few would. I was able to complete 25 missions and 25 scripture Contracts last week, but ran 37 missions and collected 42 scriptures.

I have both been in a Strike Team, and this morning was solo joining a mission with random people. At this point, I’m going to quit playing/pursuing Contracts until I see a resolution.

Encountered the issue today.

I’ve completed plenty of missions today without any players being downed and yet I’ve only achieved 1 out of 3 on this weekly.

Also have a contract to complete 25 missions and it’s only counted one out of many.

Killing monstrosities seems to calculate fine, same with killing dregs.
I’ve made some progress on scriptures, hard to say if this has been bugged or not.
EDIT: Definitely not counted all scriptures.

Steam ID: Steam Community :: Gwennec 💙🇺🇦💛

console-2022-12-05-20.40.30-b7fa5b91-195d-43d8-a170-b3156a952e6b.log (172.0 KB)

1 Like

Issue Description:
Scripture contract not updating
Steps to Reproduce:

have scripture challenge and get scriptures

Mission Name (If Applicable):
all of them


Player ID:
[Steam ID: 76561198003348034 // [Steam Profile URL]: Steam Community :: Jane Baustin // Jane Baustin]

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
5/12/2022 3:18 PST

Reproduction Rate:

Issue Description:
When doing weekly challenges progress is not properly recorded for scriptures. I pick up a scripture in a mission and then complete the mission with said scripture(s) but its not recorded in melk’s menu.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. obtain scriptures for weekly challenge objective
  2. progress is not properly recorded

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:
[Steam Profile]

Player Character:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
6:00 pm EST 12/05/22

Reproduction Rate:
Stuck for a few missions

console-2022-12-05-22.33.05-2e340042-9b08-4753-bb6b-5f7cf969dd47.log (245.6 KB)

Has been resolved.

Been having this happen regularly. As in for every mission.

Have no deaths, 25 matches won, melee kill dregs, and scriptures contracts. None are updating.


Probably directly related.

1 Like

My mission count is stuck at 9/25. i played like 14 games…

The game didn’t track
The grimoire and missions count is still stuck at 4/12 and 9/25 did at least 6 matches today.

Player: Wotikins

Steam ID: 76561198039915897

Steam Profile: wotikins

Mission Name (If Applicable):
all of them

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
05/12/2022 7:12 - 8:19 PM CTS

Upload Console Log
console-2022-12-06-00.13.54-2e7fd2a9-abdb-4589-ada6-e1aa9c4dd827.log (316.5 KB)
console-2022-12-06-01.12.47-661b50d1-2658-45a3-a3a2-2b9a83f3bc3f.log (400.5 KB)

Issue Description:
When doing weekly challenges progress is not being recorded. No player deaths is consistently not being recorded while other ones like monstrosities kills and killing dregs is recorded on some missions and not others. Obtaining scripters on missions is also periotic in not recording weekly progress. Note that while in a mission the achievement came up stating I completed killing 750 Dregs with range for my weekly but when we completed the mission I checked the terminal. It stated only 720/750 and no coins where added to my total. I also tried restarting my game multiple times and the issue did not correct itself.

Steps to reproduce:
I was queuing with one friend all night (his progress recorded just fine) and we did not do quickplay just chose specific mission. Times when it noticeably did not record was when we played the same mission twice in a row. Sometime when then scripture progress did not record we did not get all 3 scripture for that mission.

Platform: Steam

Steam profile link:

GamerTag: Scorch

Approximate time:
6:30-9:30pm EST 12/5/2022

Reproduction Rate on tonight’s session:
60% of the time for me
0% of the time for my friend I was queuing with

Logs from tonights session:
console-2022-12-06-02.17.37-494d6ff5-c6f0-408e-bfc4-22becef06942.log (94.9 KB)
console-2022-12-06-00.31.34-2d148ce8-5125-4889-aeed-d1a196d32c64.log (518.5 KB)
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This issue is still present and VERY annoying when 4 of the contracts are hard difficulty…


Complete 25 missions is stuck at 2/25 after doing 5 (hard)
Pick up 25 scriptures stuck at 1/25 after picking up at least 5 (hard)
Kill 1000 scab with melee stuck at 151/1000 (hard)
Kill 750 dregs with ranged stuck at 316/750 (hard)
Kill 10 monstrosities stuck at 1/10

When does it happen:
Progress doesn’t track when you are the player lunching the mission or joining an ongoing one.

console-2022-12-06-02.58.39-bfd7ae9d-a3e1-4f77-ba2b-0f60a22fb34b.log (732.9 KB)
Another log:
console-2022-12-06-14.16.36-5b4df9f5-2d90-45f4-890a-f6b84c80c4e3.log (428.0 KB)

Issue Description:
Weekly contract progress does not progress

Steps to Reproduce:
[Please add the steps that can help our QA department in reproducing the issue. For example:]
No specific steps, weekly progress initially worked earlier today but has been stuck the last five missions.
Mission Name (If Applicable):
Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
12/6/22 18:00-00:01 Eastern

Reproduction Rate:
Weekly progress has not advanced the last five missions

Upload Supporting Evidence:
Recently completed a mission with no player deaths, still 2/3 and has been. Other progress remains the same.

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-12-06-03.05.20-8aaf6115-d38d-4f73-b82e-9236435b5f44.log (796.3 KB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
Uploading: darktide_launcher.log…

Im cuurently having the same issue, have done a couple missions but havent got any progress.
platform: steam
steam id: jonanonathan
time of issue between 200am and 300am est

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I have been having this issue for a while now. Sometimes the contracts progress normally, sometimes they don’t. And it seems completely random as to when they actually progress and sometimes only a couple of the contracts will progress. Sometimes it is when I am in a fireteam and other times when I play with random people. Tonight was just the most recent example. I have absolutely no idea what is causing it.


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Between 4:00 AM and 4:30 AM EST

console-2022-12-06-09.04.20-33fcc7a6-3c67-41ff-b57a-bcb57d824b68.log (213.5 KB)

Hello! I’ve got the same issue. I’ll upload the log as u required and a snap from the game:

I tried to replace the mission to another but i couldnt. And i’ve done the same thing three times in a row and it didnt matter.

Mission Name:
18/66 any secondary objetive):**


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
UTC +1 Madrid timezone. 05/12/2022 (between 20:00/00:00 maybe)

Reproduction Rate:
Hasn’t changed for several matches.

Upload Console Log:

console-2022-12-06-09.33.09-b2d0b074-6887-4afc-839e-6581fa7f6171.log (117.2 KB)

console-2022-12-05-21.40.17-49b9ebe1-985f-437e-ba3c-dc50bc051552.log (492.7 KB)

Mission Name (If Applicable):
No discernible pattern, seems that I progress or not at random.


Player ID:
Don Karlioni

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Constant over last 4-5 days

Reproduction Rate:
Often it feels like between 60% and 80% of the time for varying missions. It is hard to tell as often some missions progress while others don’t after each game. Quite often none progress.

I have had this issue with 750 and 1000 dregs or scabs with ranged, 25 scriptures, 10 monstrosities, and 25 missions this week. Others had the same issues last week but I can’t remember which ones they were. This is not isolated to me, my friends have the same issue although theirs seems to be all progress or none of them. For me I get all, none or some progressing at random, sadly none seems to be the most common.

This issue I am having is that I can never be sure if Melk will sign off on a mission or not. I have had many instances where the “kill xxx dregs or scabs with range” mission comes up as complete in the game but Melk fails to recognise it when I get back to the Morningstar.

To give you some idea how much this is impacting my progress I started playing my Zealot from level 1, got to level 11 and started on the weekly missions. I have a total of 32 games on Zealot and had the complete 15 missions quest. Mathematically if things were working that would mean it took 17 missions to get me to level 11 given the 15 missions post level 11 would have completed the weekly mission. However my zealot is level 22 and there is no way that the second 11 levels took 2 less missions to get, especially as they would have been tier 2 or 3 rather than just tier 2.

I played almost all day yesterday from 1000 to 2400 and have only “completed” 14 missions according to Melk; there were so many missions that obviously have not counted.

The problem seems to be unaffected by playing alone (with randoms) or in a group with friends.

What I’m looking for is for Melk to learn how to use a clipboard to mark things off properly and progress to work as intended and some sort of recompense for the holiday time taken from work to get weeklies done for as many characters as possible as I am having to spend about 3-4 times as long doing the weeklies as I should be.

Having looked at the log folder I have no idea which ones will be of use so have included a few from over the weekend.

console-2022-12-03-08.25.21-7e743350-c3be-4202-89ea-099ab0a8b3d9.log (898.4 KB) first from Saturday.
console-2022-12-03-16.36.45-0f86e602-2dfe-46fd-b62a-2cb3eff983cc.log (1.3 MB) last from Saturday.
console-2022-12-04-08.33.07-35c36f31-4876-4008-b09b-45ed8324bb9b.log (112.9 KB) first from Sunday.
console-2022-12-04-16.52.02-bdf69d71-adeb-4a40-afad-15cc999e7a0b.log (274.7 KB) middle time from Sunday.
console-2022-12-04-23.00.47-9db148c0-b267-460e-9c99-aca5fcc31dca.log (161.1 KB) last from Sunday.
console-2022-12-05-10.33.54-241e08f4-29a4-4825-b74e-b6f04685600d.log (260.9 KB) first from Monday.
console-2022-12-05-16.51.13-1bdb6727-4b93-4921-a0d8-e41f817b6f52.log (224.9 KB) middle time from Monday.
console-2022-12-05-23.02.43-aa269cb8-ec93-4059-ad67-daeda2c612d6.log (356.5 KB) last from Monday.

There were some between the last and first of each day but as these were after midnight/in the early hours I have left them out to save confusion as what I think is last of the night is technically on the following day.

I hope this helps you sort this issue out as its very close to making the weeklies pointless and therefore no possible progress for the time invested.