KNOWN ISSUE: Versus Matchmaking Appearing to Load and Then Cancelling

We’re investigating reports of Versus matchmaking occasionally loading for a period of time before cancelling itself. If you experience this issue and can provide your console log from the session it occurred it would be much appreciated!

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData/Roaming/Fatshark/Vermintide 2 Versus Open Beta/console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names
  5. Upload the appropriate console log to us

Thank you in advance!

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console-2024-08-21-13.31.04-4f6f04d5-8b43-4068-a442-ebf98fd886c5.log (839.2 KB)
console-2024-08-21-14.03.15-19f8f4b7-84d7-4e73-b841-bb18b45915aa.log (403.5 KB)
console-2024-08-21-19.16.20-5387a79d-8fb0-4880-a5e7-9852dadc3bc2.log (324.2 KB)
console-2024-08-21-19.40.35-d62af807-669e-4515-9f15-eec880f8a3b6.log (5.7 MB)
console-2024-08-21-22.06.27-5e697d69-879d-4564-b0c5-d01c615c8239.log (304.2 KB)
Here are the logs from my latest session. Occurred fairly quickly, sometimes within seconds, sometimes 30secs- 1 minute, regardless of any inputs entered. Other sessions also had the issue, although once I was able to queue and successfully find a match (see 4th log). I did make one change to anonymize my user directory. Hope this helps.

On an unrelated noted, the 4th log had a end of match crash.

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console-2024-08-21-22.05.38-581ed8af-4603-4fc4-b953-99540fcaf699.log (1.1 MB)

heyo happened at the start of both sessions before the games

console-2024-08-22-09.23.30-a4ab3c26-f165-471e-a0c8-3155f4d732cf.log (2.8 MB)
console-2024-08-22-09.59.00-4c4f78f5-72a5-4223-89eb-1a25deafde7c.log (7.1 MB)

A hotfix we just pushed includes extra logging capabilities to help us diagnose this issue, as well as some fixes to try and tackle it. If you still get this issue after updating, please post your console logs here, even if you’ve already done so pre-hotfix :pray:


Matchmaking stopped searching on its own while i was queuing with with 1 friend and then 2 (but couldnt find anything with anyone anyway).
And same when i tried solo queuing
First three logs are from before the hotfix, and last one after (but that didnt fix anything for me)


here are the logs
console-2024-08-21-19.13.02-44fb9e70-2b07-4cb3-bd41-6ff8a1ed0111.log (3.7 MB)
console-2024-08-21-19.38.43-596c94bc-e8fc-4a9c-b3db-e032f52ca9dd.log (271.0 KB)
console-2024-08-21-19.41.27-998664d6-db8e-4a26-ba4e-bb3132037d89.log (311.2 KB)
console-2024-08-25-12.11.44-472100f7-a361-4d17-b829-415dcba335ca.log (380.8 KB)


Problem still happening for me, my friend tried queuing on his own and he was able to find games, but I haven’t and i seem to be the one having these issues.
Here are the logs
console-2024-08-26-16.27.15-9998c73a-24e6-4e7f-b44a-02afe012483f.log (479.5 KB)


console-2024-08-26-19.01.44-3a90b33c-1eb9-480a-8c3c-63f9e0f2d732.log (7.6 MB)

console-2024-08-28-00.37.47-e69c2827-e5ad-4dbb-b599-ca33a840ea9c.log (279.0 KB)
Console upload of the matchmaking error.