KNOWN ISSUE: Sound Cues Missing or Too Quiet

Something that a lot of my clips have in common is that there’s always a character narrating over the mission in the moments where a special is impossibly difficult to hear. This burster was incredibly quiet until it blew up.


So is this getting somewhere close to being meaningfully addressed? It’s been an issue in varying degrees since release.
@FatsharkStrawHat @FatsharkJulia


I would prefer that they increase the minimal range where enemies can spawn… this is easy to do, and a better fix.

I really wish zipit mod would work for me.
Have to retest it.
I don’t use music, and I don’t know if there’s a link, but I rarely notice a sound cue missing.

Another very quiet burster, sound of the snipers wave probably had something to do with it


Got another clip of a sniper not playing the warning sound or being inaudible over the other audio


Ah yes another day another bs

@FatsharkStrawHat ding dong. The people need answers. This has gone on quite long enough now.

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It’s simple: the engine can’t handle a director that spawns 4x the numbers of special enemies it was originally meant to in a futile attempt to counter the vastly stronger players.

You’re not gonna get an answer because admitting that and trying to, gasp, NERF the playerbase would cause riots.

That sounds plausible, maybe even likely, but what are we basing that on, concretely?

Whether that is the source of the problem or not, they’ve listed it as a known issue and claim they’re investigating it. I know the OP is from August last year, but this really has been an issue since day one, to various extents. I still think we’re due some kind of answer.

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The communication is improving Thanks to strawhat. Just have patience when he can update us strawhat will.

The sound of approaching poxbursters still gets drowned out way too easily
or maybe
the sound of approaching poxbursters is way too quiet