KNOWN ISSUE: Input Lag, Actions Not Registering Correctly

Same as it ever was. This is not new; this has been the case in more “hectic” maps ever since … let’s say October 2023 when they converted the game for the XBOX:

Having just dug this song out of my (+40 year) memory, wtf was that song about?!

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Im using the mk IVe chrusher, in the psykhanium it works perfectly and i can use the light attack heavy attack relentless combo. in missions no matter what inputs I put in it only does the strike down heavy and will not perform the relentless heavy

I’d like to necro this thread to point out this issue is back and, for me, worse than ever.
I’m on a dual-fiber connection, live near multiple trunks, and get about 2ms ping to just about any US server. My network connection is not an issue. My computer is fairly respectable, running an 8-core 4ghz cpu, 3060ti, 36gb ddr4 ram, with my install on a brand new samsung nvme. At peak, I’m seeing about 400kb/s of my 3GB/s available bandwidth utilized by darktide. And yes, I mean Bytes, not bits. I’d ping the server but yall have don’t have ingame tools, and I cant be assed to figure out who to ping. My region is set to US West.

Yet in game I hit quickswap, and I’ll start unsheathing my melee only for my gun to apparate in my hands. I’ll hear the woosh of an oncoming backstab, dodge, kill the poxer, then take the damage as the poxer falls over dead. I’ll double barrel a mutant, and my shotgun goes off 4 times, deals no damage, starts to reload, then halway through, my two shots are suddenly refunded and the reload animation bugs out. Combat abilities take 6-8 inputs to activate. I rubber band all over the place, enemies magically appear in front of me, and constantly get ghost peril from attacks I made more than 10 seconds ago.

In short, playing Darktide is laggy and miserable right now.

There’s some… collision of netcode and server infrastructure issue here that is causing issues so bad that I actually have an easier time playing on Australian servers.

I am begging you, fatshark, fix this.


i have an issue where sometimes animations are played twice when pushing, doing riposte, it is possible to hear the animation sounds played even twice because of this weird thing.

it seems like it is lag but my connection is fine, ping etc.

for some reasons sometimes it happens and makes gameplay not very smooth.


I suspect its a netcode thing. It feels like its server authorative, but when conflicts between clients arise, it doesnt deconflict correctly and it starts undoing things it already previously accepted, like weapon swaps, reloads, damage, etc… It’s very strange and feels worse than typical desync.

to me now it has been fixed
i believe it was some weird conflict with some mods.

not sure if you use them, but some may do some weird conflict related to the server.
not sure if the case it’s the same though

Commenting here to add as it’s become infuriatingly more prominent over time.

Playing on PC Steam version.

Reproduction: Just attempt to play the game at all.

It’s constant rubberbanding, input lag, etc.

Mods don’t make a difference, on or off. Graphics settings, worker threads, doesn’t matter.

My internet isn’t NASA stuff, but it’s solid enough for any other game, and even livestreaming. But Darktide is karking unplayable.

On average, these spikes make it so that it takes six karking attempts to switch a weapon, dodge, vault a ledge, or any other input you can think of. In a game as dependent on reflex and unforgiving on timing as Darktide, it makes trying to play anything above Malice completely impossible.

My internet speed is fine. There is NO packet loss being detected on my end. My ping averages 60-90ms, which isn’t ideal, but it isn’t bad enough to warrant the kind of consistent issues I’ve been having.

It’s genuinely becoming outright unplayable, and when the entire game is online and serverside, I’m running out of things to try, and well past the ability to refund. Fatshark needs to do something about their servers and netcode, because as a paying customer, it’s unacceptable that an online-only game is so poorly optimized it’s unplayable to average customer’s internet service.


Before PS players were added I had the occasional input delay or input would fail to register. Now, it’s multiple times - every game - day after day.

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