KNOWN ISSUE: Havoc Rank Demotions

Agreed. Just let people keep trying instead of the three strike rubbish…
Also, it’d be great to have some more dialogue from Dukane, because that is SO bloody repetitive. I’m stick of hearing her say with distain “What do you want?”
… Hmmm, let me see, I’ll have two number 9’s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45’s, one with cheese, and a large soda"
Oh, oops, it’s an Havoc terminal, what the f*ck do you think I want =P


We should all stop playing this joke of a game mode.
I barely play because I’m busy but I did grind to lvl20, took two weeks off, and now I’m lvl1.

I’m not touching Havoc again until FS fixes it.

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I also have this issue, but a friend reported it for me
(because i can hardly be bothered to log into the forum).

Now try to imagine how many people:
a) run into this issue
b) even realise they have been demoted (instead of thinking “oh, must have forgotten/misremembered what rank i was”)
c) bother to create an account for the Fatshark forums (looking at the console players expecially)
d) Bother to make a report here
[e) If they see that it’s already a known bug, they might not bother reporting it again]

So i guess there is quite a large number of people just staying silent for one reason or another.