KNOWN ISSUE: Cataclysm Appearing Locked and Incorrect Progression

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

Came back after the versus update to play again and I’ve seem to have lost progress of my maps that I’ve already completed on cata difficulty and they were locked, requiring me to play the previous maps to unlock them. I don’t mind playing, them but it’s weird and a bit annoying.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

No idea

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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[PC] Upload Console Log & vermintide2_launcher.log (Optional):

Hey all.
An update on the current situation - apologies for the wait again.

Our Backend Service Provider have now confirmed that they are unable to restore/provide us with a snapshot of the missing account data, sadly. Though, we would like to reassure you that after working on this issue with them, new measures are in place that should a similar issue arise in future (we certainly hope not!) that we will have the necessary data backups in place.

What does this mean?
We will be proceeding with our plan B to restore the missing account data.

What will you be doing?
Our backend developers will be working alongside our analytics team to rebuild the missing account data ourselves, and then merge this into your current account data.

How long will this take?
It’s difficult to give an ETA currently, as our teams are planning the most effective way to proceed, and it is a lot of account data. We’ll hopefully have a clearer idea of this soon, and will continue to communicate on the issue as regularly as we can.

Is it safe to continue playing on my account with missing progression?
Yes. We will be merging the missing account data into your current data - so any recent progress should be kept.

Are there any risks?
There is a small risk that merging the missing account data with current account data may lead to some slight discrepancies and cause minor elements of recent progression to be lost. Though, this would be far less than the current missing progression, and we will do our best to assist anyone should this happen. Though, we will be doing all we can to best avoid this.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Can Plan B be completed before Christmas?Stealing players’ progress and making them afraid of the game is a serious blow to reputation.I continue to play, new pvp progress may be lost?

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Hi there,

Thanks so much for keeping us updated on this issue! I know issues like this can be tricky to resolve, but it’s been another week, and the progression loss continues to affect not only the base game but also the paid DLCs. It’s understandably frustrating for those who’ve invested in the extra content and time. Could you please share any updates or an idea of when we might see a fix? Your hard work is truly appreciated—thank you!

based on the crickets since you posted this I’m thinking Fatshark is going to go no-contact for a month rather than fix a problem they caused for their customers. not sure where customer service ranks for this business but it sure as heck isn’t #1.

I’m doing all I can to obtain information and provide regular updates. I asked for a status update from the backend team earlier today, but they’re incredibly busy and I haven’t received a response just yet. I’ll update here as soon as I have something to share!

I have no intention of “going no-contact for a month”, so don’t fret! :slight_smile:

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thanks for saying so. truly.

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Yes, but complaining is useless, hope can only be placed on Fatshark. Since this situation occurred, I have rarely played this game and waited for repairs. Additionally, several of my friends have started playing this game and want me to take them along, but my PVE mode Incorrect Progression, so I cannot play with them and can only refuse them. Over time, I feel like our relationship will break down…

Hey all. No notable updates to share again just yet. Our backend team have begun to tackle this task, but it’s difficult (especially while in the early stages) to provide an ETA as it’s very involved. We don’t want to underestimate the work ahead and provide any false estimations! That being said, we do remain hopeful that it won’t take too long.

Please be assured though, that the cogs are in motion and it’s a top priority issue that we’re balancing alongside an intensive development period.

I’ll continue to check in with the team, and hopefully we’ll have more information to share regarding our progress soon.


hello fatshark team, I just made an account to say I am also having this problem ,this is right now somewhat annoying when trying to select missions, but also very very bad for my okris challenges progress, especially annoying for the “do 100 missions as class x on champion or higher” I had a lot of progress on some of thoose that has been lost for some reason.
I played over 600 hours of this game and this bug is really annoying, I hope it gets fixed soon

Just keep up the good work, it’s a shame the loss of progression happened i was one of the affected ones, had to re unlock cata and put a few challanges on hold since it says i haven’t done certain challanges i have already completed :laughing: But atleast we have Versus, Forsaken Temple & The Rat Ogre coming the 17th!!

Keep it up :shark:s

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Hey all, just checking in again with a progress update and some further information to share.

Our backend developers have a 3-step plan to restore the missing data:

Stage 1: Gather and collate account data from storages we have, and transfer this to another system which will be used for rebuilding missing account data

Stage 2: Conduct some wizardry in this system to organise the data (e.g. get the latest/highest/correct value for each statistic for each player) and prep it for being merged back in to our backend data

Stage 3: Update the backend and merge the rebuilt data into existing account data.

Stage 1 is in full swing and data is currently being downloaded and transferred to our system required to rebuild the missing data. This is a tremendous amount of account data, and will take some time to complete. We’re exploring whether we can scale this process up and complete it any faster, but for now an approximate estimate is that this stage will take a few weeks to complete.

Please bear with us, and we’ll continue to provide updates when we have more to share.

A big thank you for your continued patience during this process.