please PLEASE add OG shovel to zealot… (vet can keep the foldable ones) Thamks
See? Now that you talk more we more happy with game! Sure is sad wasnt like that at the start but no need to mope around the past! I like this update. Very good!
Which pea brain is responsible for that statement?
This will only apply to the Armory.
Yeah, DT is absolutely not a looter shooter and it would give a false impression to players implying it is. Strange.
Could be called that but is more horde shooter. Looter shooter? Sure we take plasteel and diamantine but… that about it
Any news about FSR 3.0/FSR 3.1 or newer same goes for DLSS?
It’s been mentioned as coming a year an a half ago?
Is this still happening and when?
We actually are going to talk about this in the patch notes this week!
Killing brunt is pants on head stupid stop forcing unfun rng (Camping the basic weapon store for hours and grinding melk bucks which is UNFUN)
Also come on let us change the stat bars (OCD goes brrr when I have one important stat sitting at 79%) or make them go to 100 (80 in actuality, because it’s pretty clear there was gonna be a something above damnation in terms of scaling but never happened and never will)
More importantly where’s the spawn fix, where’s mission select, where’s better gore and visual enemy damage
Better yet, Modded realm when? @FatsharkStrawHat
Massive L.
As expected you can’t let go of your malicious RNG treadmill.
Same with nerfing brunt white rolls.
I am coming (no pun intended xD)
It tells you a lot about how Fatshark views this game, at least.
We all knew their own view was very warped when compared to their players’ but this is something else tbh. Didn’t expect them to be that delusional.
I’m still trying to sort this through. And I know this is technical but the language in the technical description is all over the place. The OP talks about segments being 1 segment per blessing vs segments being the product of blessings * 4 tiers, and then switches to talking about subdivisions. WTF is a subdivision?
Can we walk through this with a different example?
Say a weapon family has eight (8) blessings. Each blessing = 1 subdivision on the mastery track, so there are 8 subdivisions (one per blessing). Assuming each blessing has four (4) tiers, that works out to 32 individual segments on the mastery track. Is that correct?
Assuming the above is correct…
If I have one Tier 4 blessing in my library and nothing else. that would be ONE segment (aka 1/4 of a subdivision)… but then it goes on to say that no, actually, a Tier 4 blessing would grant a bit over two additional segments, in addition to it’s one initial segment. So call it 81% of a full subdivision for context. Is that the correct thinking?
Why can’t you just have a list that says:
^ Tier 1 blessing on their own = 1 segment (i.e. 1/4 sub-division)
^ Tier 2 blessing on their own = 2 segments
^ Tier 3 blessing on their own = 3 segments
^ Tier 4 blessing on their own = 3.25 segments
^ Max earnable in total for a blessing family = 4 segments
These numbers are made up by me for example purposes, referencing the OP
I’m assuming from what was written that the max you can earn from existing blessings stays within a given blessing across its tiers. So if you have Tier 3 & 4 of a given blessing, then you’ve already “maxed” that subdivision and having Tier 1 and 2 versions of that blessing doesn’t contribute anymore to your starting mastery. Is this correct?
The above point means that rather than pooling all possible blessings across all tiers together for determining future mastery, it may very well be that lower tier blessings where you have higher tier versions don’t matter at all towards your mastery.
What is the point of being able to filter by item rating, when the “distribution of modifier points after upgrading“ is the relevant factor?
Do we get to filter for that as well?
As in “discard anything with max rating <75 on the dmg stat“.
Did you all know that Darktide is an open-world MMO? /s
No no, it’s a live service looter shooter first person RPG with open-world MMO hub areas and RNG
Every weapon goes up to 380 as long as you can afford the upgrade and your Mastery for that family is maxed out, so that doesn’t differ from weapon to weapon.
Edit: oh I see what you mean. Yeah, filtering by “Damage potential” would be more useful than filtering by the unimproved Damage stat as-is.
Read again.
Exactly my point.
Since we can upgrade any item to 380, what is the point of filtering by pre-upgrade modifier lvl?
That seems just as pointless as filtering by post upgrade modifier lvl.
The distribution of stats, when fully upgraded, is what matters.
Once players start to farm for good items, they won‘t care how high the overall modifiers of a pre-upgrade weapon are.
Filters for bulk selection only become relevant, when players obtain weapons in bulk.
Which is exactly at the point, where the pre-upgrade base stats (which we can filter for) no longer matter, and the player is looking for specific post-upgrade modifier distributions (which we can not filter for).