[HAVOC] Bad priority issues - Fatshark, remember to consider the whole community

Most of those belong in malice if we’re being real though

The issue with your argument is that literally no one asked for this mode at all.


Let’s be honest for a minute : an extra difficult, needlessly complex, RNG-heavy, time-gated game mode with some small new content thrown in (new mutators etc.) is not the thing that’s gonna drive up the player count and keep it that way in a durable fashion. Sounds like a misstep in a commercial sense, among other things.

I mostly QP damnation because I often don’t feel like tryharding in Auric, but goddamn, 90% of the randos I play with could not touch Auric with a 10-foot pole with their situational awareness and the builds I see them running.

So I would not be so quick to dismiss the assumption that people aren’t as good as you think they are.

Also, they said we were gonna get a new class every quarter… what a joke.


Which we got with the tree update.

Unknown if further branches/classes are planned though


If it makes you feel any better, I pretty much exclusively play auric and 90% of the randos still shouldn’t touch auric, even when they’re running meta builds :upside_down_face:

Every once in a while you get that team that meshes really well, getting two randoms with my friend and I that actually comprehended things like waiting at choke points to clear out hordes before moving on when I did my first auric maelstrom and getting the no down penance in maelstrom immediately was a very pleasant surprise.

Then again I was surprised at how tame maelstrom is after seeing how people act like it’s significantly harder than regular aurics, but I pretty much always go to HI5SG so :person_shrugging:

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Those people are usually referring to very specific sets of maelstrom modifiers, like monstrous specialists or minibosses, combined with waves of specialists.

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