Guide: Git Gud @ WS RQ

well i guess i can’t convince you. the swiftbow has a maximum amount of target penetration, the hagbane doesn’t (for the explosion, not arrow penetration)

if you try attacking a hyperdense pack with a swiftbow, they’ll just spread out quickly. no way you can take down 20+ mobs in 3 arrows.

Swiftbow is effective and efficient be there 1 or 100 mobs.
Hb is situational. Hyperdense hordes themselves are situational, if mixed with elites, sure hb is way better, but there’s so many options available.

3 hb arrows are equivalent to 9 swiftbow arrows regarding max ammo pool.

I feel like the hb is close to the conflag staff. In a few patches back, would a pyro use conflag instead of beaming the entire level? nah.

the conflag staff is pretty damn good now tho, and it’s on another class so i don’t think that’s a fair comparison.

i take it you’ve not seen the obscene damage that a HB + str pot can do on a boss, or HB+str on patrols. i mean your saying it’s situational, well yes, situations that are extremely dangerous and can result in wipes - you need weapons to help you smooth things out in those dangerous parts. what kills parties? it’s getting overwhelmed most of the time. what helps with overwhelming odds? AoE weapons.

My argument was that whenever I have the hb, I’ll end up using mostly melee. If I’m using mostly melee WS feels underplayed.
It’s like taking BH and not refreshing and spamming crits. The active is good, but that’s it?

And regardless of weapon, WS is great at decimating hordes and effective vs unarmored bosses. HM on the other hand is meh at both.

no… HM is crazy good against hordes or elites in the sense that she can continuously attack without fear of getting hit or cornered. she’s not a ranged character for sure, her bow would only be for specials or bosses or berserkers maybe.

we have different opinions on playstyles for classes tho. let’s agree to disagree - because this could go on forever haha

Longbow is the best bow for sniping specials. If your team has poor ranged special role fillers grab this.

Running solo w HM I have been annoyed at groups for having poor (mini)boss dps - particularly when you get boss and horde overlap- so I’ve taken to using the hagbane w/ 10 monster 10 skaven w barrage and a 10 chaos 10 monster charm. Also been taking 40% added ammo because 7 shots of hagbane w strength pot on my power bonuses allows me to almost solo bosses. (Could also run scrounger w crit on hagbane but I prefer builds with no RNG).

Hagbane turns HM into a solid boss dps at the expense of ranged special killing. I lose more games to a poorly situated miniboss than I do a special I can’t get to even with dash.

I agree with you but LB isn’t bad at bosses at all, especially with any potion involved.

I was talking DPS wise. HM doesn’t have the sheer DPS that any bow has due to lack of ammo sustain neither Shade’s bursts.

I kinda wish HM got volley instead of shade. I feel like shade is fun in her own right without a unique weapon.