Grim Protocols - Patch Notes - Pt. 1

i think you reversed the Suggested combo between the relic blade mk X and mk II
it was weird reading it will testing it in game x)

Yeah but the majority of people that chase the first one will give up once they realize they can’t cheese it anymore. As for the second, we only have to put up with the minority that keep chasing it until they get carried once and then never queue for it again. So that’s not so terrible.

You know it’s bad when this guy says it. :sweat_smile: Just dunno how this one made it past muster.


If this is supposed to be extremely hard end game content, I just don’t see them completing it :stuck_out_tongue:


Idk, they could get real lucky and get put into a match with a top .01% player that just solo clutches the whole match. First penance though? For sure, not a Psykers chance in the warp.

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I haven’t played Havoc, but if I understand it correctly, it’s supposed to be so hard only 0.1% of players could beat havoc level 40 with 3 other players at the same skill level. So I am not sure.

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This is where the Party Finder and Havoc Rank are meant to be a factor: if you’re up for carrying, you can allow a lowbie into your match. If you don’t care, you can join any old match. And if you only want 40s in your match, you can run your mission and only accept their invites.

I’m not clear if your 40 rank assignment refreshes when you beat it, but if it doesn’t that’s still an issue at top rank.

I am much less concerned with someone else carrying a newb to 35 and them ruining my 36, but I suppose that might prove to be an actual issue too.

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I can’t play havoc because the party finder is always empty.

I have no regular gaming friends so just screw me I guess huh Fatshark. Thanks for supporting your loyal 1000+ hour players by spending heaps of time making a huge new system that loads of us won’t be able to even play.

Pretty miffed right now.

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Intimidating. I wonder what percentage of players beat the twins on secret hard mode as a comparison.

Also is that .1% consistent completions or just completion period? One of those is a lot more intimidating.


Another issue, at least in the ranking up phase, everyone will be trying to start their mission because they want to rank up. Because of that week delay in updating if you played on someone else’s missions.

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Usual for Fatshark…

My fear…

I guess I should buy it on console and do an artificial “party”
But I guess nobody will be able to join the game…
Really Havoc seems something well designed for only a small part of players… and that would benefit only for them.
And as they introduced penances for it, it will be annoying as hell to clear them.

I don’t know if it is possible to launch 2 darktide on same computer… one with steam and the other with windows store…
As I have both… I may have this solution…


For this, it means y’all have tags selected that don’t match with Havoc. Click E to clear them and you’ll see all the parties for Havoc.


An update to Havoc has been made:

We are continuing to review feedback and see what we can do.


I think Mk X and Mk II Relic baldes are switched in this overview.

Havoc big %$%^$#

Penances… great, people will want to play this mode.
Maelstrom required… great… we had not even enough players not ready in maelstroms… now we have more. I don’t thank you

Frankly, if there was not the weapons, I would say that this patch is the worst seen for a long time.
At least, there are these weapons… but Havoc mode, well terrible idea.

Next time try to bring something we keep asking you.

Example: Party finder, add the possibility to choose the mission and condition. Instead of proposing annoying game mode. And as I want the cosmetics, I will have to farm this game mode. But when I will be able to complete a maelstrom mission, cause of your great idea, that is full of players that can’t handle it.


Havoc is weird, the requirements are very weird. I’ll hold my gameplay judgement for later, but there’s already a cause for disappointment:
narratively speaking, havoc is presented as Dukane tossing us in dangerous missions, but then again, they are just the regular ones :confused:
I’d have expected something closer to how VT versus is handled: use of map assets, but slightly different objectives, and a new handler (dukane): something to make the mission feel new, and unique.
So far the mode feels empty.


It’s just underwhelming in general tbh

The first mission I got (as a duo, because) was fun enough: darkness, tentacle and ooze made it for something different. But it seems to be an outlier.
I don’t care for “endgame content” (I hated cata+ weaves, it’s the only VT content I haven’t cleared) and I’m not a fan of solving everything with density, some of the things I see here show potential. But they should have delivered on their premise: we are doing missions for the 53rd: they should be somewhat harder, and be more military in nature.
If they don’t want to do such a change, why bother with the entire convoluted system and premise: just add a third board, standard, auric, havoc, with the new modifiers: the mutators are cool enough

I would love to hear the justification behind this design. This reminds me of those really restrictive coop experiences in single player games, where only the host gets full benefits from the time spent playing together. The game mode just feels really anti-social, and restrictive, which is weird in a coop game.

This has not been my experience of the game mode at all. I’ve found it thoroughly unengaging, the cosmetics are an insulting grind and actually even playing the game mode has been difficult due to its terrible design (and some small matchmaking issues).

Again. We knew this would happen. The devs should have known too. Who is responsible? Not the players.

Last map is great… except one thing.

We miss the extraction sequence and the mission can end while combat is still ongoing.