Going back to Auric missions really puts the Havoc strengths and weaknesses into perspective

I think some of the weapon grievances can also be solved by fatshark releasing more marks like for example a lighter plasma or braced bolter

I’m not sure if they were in the normal rotation. In the past there was a horde modifier but it got taken out. I’m not familiar with havoc, is the moebian horde the same ?

I would like the game to go back to its roots, it’s going more and more towards ranged enemies and increasing the dps of enemies while the melee and hordes are the most fun.

Infact when the director goes crazy and trows horde after horde mixed with some disablers and specials is the most fun. When that happens you also can clearly see who is more skilled and who has to learn some mechanics and or prioritize more instead of I have plasma gun I I go pew pew for example


Yeah the Moebian horde modifier is exclusively havoc, after a couple of weeks as a special event condition.

It was the most fun I’ve had in ages in DT…so of course they limit it to only havoc after a short time :disappointed:


Make infected Guardsmen appear as a part of mixed hordes on all difficulties.


The one about increased spawning hordes (not released yet) is pretty amazing. Played it yesterday in solo, it was great.
I really would love that it will be able to be combined with moebian condition when it will be released (if it is one day).

I really would like that. I don’t like that, with this condition, the hordes have only moebians. It does not make sense for me. But mixed hordes would make totally sense.


as is the wobbly-gobbly tentactle goodness that was nurgles gift.

both increasing melee engagements in fun and requirements to deal with.

sadly shoved in the mixed crap-bag that is havoc, “mandatory” skills and loadouts make them as an ingredient almost nonexistant cause its book & bubble instead of hack & slay.

the ever looming ranged-threat takes precedence over appreciating the difference in melee enemies, or when was the last time you popped a tentacle head on purpose to detonate the lot of em and therefor had to peak your head from under the blue skirt?

feels like a safari in a closed bus right now :unamused:
“shoot from the windows but don´t exit the vehicle”

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The ranged enemies are easily the least fun part of the game honestly, in a lot of ways Darktide is a bit of a failure to evolve the formula in that regard. The most fun aspects of the game remain the melee and dodging and weaving between specials… Like VT2.

I respect the attempt but feel it’s largely a bit of a lost cause to keep trying to rework ranged enemies to not suck to fight and be a threat.


I honestly liked the first iteration the best. Back before aurics or class trees, when they weren’t as numerous, a bit slower, but did a ton of damage.
During that first iteration, you actually would spot ranged enemies from afar, and then either rush them, flank them, or suppress them while moving in. The kickback was universally hated, but I loved using the thing because it would consistently suppress/stagger a wide cone of shooters while closing in on them, so it complemented the melee playstyle really well.
I genuinely remember, as I figured out how to deal with them when I first started playing Darktide, thinking to myself “wow, they really actually made this concept work in a horde shooter, and it makes hybrid combat extremely fun” because it was a genuinely novel concept for a game like this and worked great.

Unfortunately the game kind of evolved in a weird different way where everyone has to be oneshotting everything and so that balance doesn’t really work anymore. Yes, I appreciate the new skills and weapons, but I’m 100% serious that I think the core gameplay balance was far better near release, there was just no content. The powercreep threw this games balance for a loop and it’s totally different now.


No argument there, I find the current state the least fun of any of the patches I’ve played, starting around release through patch 11/12, then returning with the Unlocked patch. The shooters were slightly obnoxious but fit with less general spam in terms of the toughness system, then combined with the massive leap in player power with talent trees (Launch vet notwithstanding) they’ve just relied more and more on chucking crap at you. My original two main characters were ogryn and zealot and melee still felt good to play for the most part. Bull butcher and rumbler are bae.

Now you try to play melee and there’s very good odds half your screen is going to be deleted by a ranged character while actual melee combat feels way worse as the server implodes from not handling the number of enemies well.

There’s just a bunch of hoops to jump through to even try to have fun, and I frankly don’t care enough to deal with it. It’s a shame.

It likely helped that launch Darktide was more closely aligned to VT design, as they’ve tried to differ Darktide more it’s just gotten… Messy.


It needed a buff, I used rumbler in that fashion, rumbler is fun, it didn’t quite survive the power creep.

Barring some broken exceptions like auto-reload perma-ult Vet with Bolter and buffed autopistol (and there was some weird power weapon for the vet back then), yeah.

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flamer on release lol

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my personal favorite was exec stance giving 75% damage resist with infinite uptime and vet getting toughness back on ranged kills. even better because the average vet had no idea he could just run into shooter segments facetanking every bullet, they stood in a corner with camo expert instead and got killed by one poxwalker and got toughness buffed


Oh, so that’s why the tutorial makes you do that.


Terminator (as in T-800) mode was pretty fun as a Veteran, but then they kneecapped it way too hard with the talent trees.

Eh, IDK, it was fun for a brief initial moment, but T-800 mode got old quick; it was busted OP. Vet is still plenty strong, OP in some ways with some ULTs.


I’m more lamenting on how they chopped it up, which I still think is excessive. Currently it’s way too expensive (points-wise) to bring it back to even 50% of functionality it had before and the other 50% of its functionality is just gone.

IDK if I agree with that 50%, but even if it was 50% of a very large number (OP) is still a lot. Pre#13 vet was obscene compare the other classes.
Now VoC for instance lets you and your team in coherency be OP, and despite some dot-buff stacking interactions being gone, vet has fed well on the power creep, with some ~minor ups and downs here and there.


The last thing I feel like needs to happen for the vet talent wise is a complete rethinking and rework of executioners stance. It’s not rewarding enough with how crowded higher difficulties have gotten. I think it should just switch from a ranged executioners stance to a more broad one where you gain increased weakspot damage to all attacks, melee included. This way you can at least get some mileage out of it when the inevitable rager or or crusher gets too close.


They should make all the talents that highlights targets be team based. That would solve alot of the problems.

Not really. You’d still be as vulnerable to them as you are now. The whole point of the ability in its current form is to give you a period of increased ranged power, but it’s too rare of a thing to be in a position where you can do that undisturbed by melee enemies.

A version of executioner’s stance that focuses on just upping weakspot damage across the board makes more sense. This way the ability can be both melee and/or ranged focused, depending on how you construct the rest of the build. It makes it more broadly applicable compared to the current iteration. I think it’s a relatively elegant solution that would involve the least amount of reworking whilst still addressing the issue effectively.