Give console players something to make the wait worth it, please

Maybe I sound spoiled. But I think the console community would really appreciate something, ANYTHING “fun” while we wait for our release. I felt kinda bummed out today seeing that WoM comes out soon with the cool trailer and we’re left behind as usual.

I don’t really care for most of this since I’m pretty much decked out with items and skins/hats but here are some ideas:

A mode where we can atleast choose the weekly mutators we want.
Increased drop rates for reds and cosmetics? doesn’t need to be much but I think it’d make some players come back.
Increased drop rate for deeds, a lot of people on ps4 only have those achievements left.
Add a reward for Fortunes of War. I don’t understand why it doesn’t have a decent reward (atleast on legend). It’s a great mode and i think more of us would replay it cause it is fun. Also why isn’t it a weekly challenge? Challenges are so goddamn boring. Dailies and weeklies should be stuff like doing deeds and FoW. Collecting art.

We’ve been asking for this on PC for a long time as well xD

2x drop rates and EXP is a great idea though.

I’m aware.

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