Fatshark, could you please save Ogryn? I beg you

You rather use the boring ass shield? Or something that isn’t good against crushers huh. In endgame your real melee threat is crushers and maulers. Yeah Ogryns pretty OP in auric but in Havoc he’s not and I’m sure the devs don’t want to do a double balance that’s probably what’s holding them back the most. I hardly see ogryns with “boring ass Karsolas” in havoc 40 all you see is boring ass shield because of the insane damage of non-elite ranged + the elite ranged and the poor ogryn suffers the most from the HP/Toughness nerf in high havoc since he lacks mobility & now he can’t have much hp/toughness either lol so you’re stuck with shield. Sure you can use Pickaxe in havoc 40 but will definitely struggle even when butt sliding against ranged. You need to be helped by team, like gold toughness and bubbles to make the pickaxe more viable. Literally one burst of a non elite ranged and you’re nearly dead :rofl: it’s atrocious. Let alone a room full of aggro’d reapers/ gunner elites.

Well, there you go. My previous point stands. You want taunt to give gold toughness because ranged enemies suck.


That doesn’t sound correct.

I know you cleared Havoc. Jsat also cleared Havoc with 4 Ogryns. You know why? Because they wanted a challenge.

I’m not asking if you can do H40 with Ogryn. I’m asking if you think Ogryn is balanced in comparison with other classes.

Since you keep saying the other classes have a “get out of jail free” button and to play Ogryn well you have to become better, you did answer.

You consider Orgyn to take more skill, so indirectly you admit Ogryn isn’t on the same level as the other classes.


Havoc 40 literally has crazy spawns of Crushers and Maulers perhaps you don’t play it?

Maybe! :slight_smile:

And also to report my post calling out your cringe behavior hahaahaha

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If Ogryn gave golden toughness to all on charge or taunt, players would seek him for havoc like they do with zealots and vets.

Or if Ogryn loses a fart equaling a Psyker s bubble that keeps nurgles away.

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now thats the thing, so far with randoms i havent had a team without zealot or psyker, sometimes voc veteran.

them “helping” each other from bubble to bubble is fine, tactial and “accepted” but once ogryn takes the yellow toughness to get stuff dead in melee, he’s the useless leech :man_shrugging:

the effect i already there, even with redundant classes.
so people want to feel “important” having the talent but moan when its not mirrored for the sake of offensive potential the ogryn brings then.

same reason tanks dont enter closed combat areas without infantry support for “entlausung” instead of screaming for “moah tanks”

this synergie hasnt entered too many public minds it seems.

plus, i double down on the branx being a valid alternative :rofl:

Quad ogryn is only hard when you don’t use ranged weapons, which is the artificial difficulty we impose for quadgryn.


Most Ogryn buttons are panic buttons… for puny heretics :grin:

Should Grenade Gauntlet have a larger effective damage AOE? Been thinking about this one a lot lately. I know it needs a ton of QOL adjustments, but I’d probably be completely fine with its unbearable clunkiness if it had the damage to match.

How are we feeling about the recoil on the Achlys Heavy Stubber? Because it seems like a lot for a weapon that’s not really doing that much.

Also I’ve come around completely on my previous opinions about the Ripper Gun. The mk II, on its own, needs a 50% increase in damage to match the Accatran (formerly Kantrael) Combat Shotgun’s base damage; and that still might not be enough power due to how much damage is loss from recoil, damage fall-off, and my suspicion that limbs are blocking too much damage (RIP rock). Could probably pump the mk II up to 700 base damage before it reaches my ideal of breakpoints being based on per-shell instead of per-burst.


I want either buffed special attack OR more relevant blessings for it and/or more talent synergy (specifically for punch special, not many talents interact with it). I feel like that’s the unique feature it brings to the table, it should both be pretty good out the box as well as something you can meaningfully build into. It’s not really either currently, at least not enough to make GG an appealing option over its competition.


Almost all ogryn weapons need a buff, being tired of using karsolas and kickback I decided to do a match with brunt’s pride club and the fast ripper gun. H2 strikedown on club repeatedly fails to kill poxwalkers and the recoil and lack of ammo on the ripper makes you expect bolter levels of damage but no it’s garbage.


for the longest time been taking bully 1 and grenade gauntlet on a spin.

for 120% more effort i netted about 30% in output compared to the pickaxe/kickback combo.

couldnt take out bulwarks crushers as fast as needed, took 3 swings at a mutant and dont get me started on horde clear.

grenade gauntlet as well far to unwieldy for the lack of melee power sustaing your momentum.

a far cry from the seemless pickaxe/kickback combo

shield/ripper 5 was okay-ish, again trouble deleting the masses of bulwarks and felt wading through thick oil in hordes compared to the fish in water.

ogryn’s supposed to be “frontschwein” and “spielmacher” not back line auxilary depending on others to create suitable situations to shine (dakka stubber)

oddly enough the one combo mentioned above gives me all these tools and more, on top of a motivating and fun fast paced playstyle.

so why handicap myself voluntarily when other classes get crutches a dime a dozen ? :man_shrugging:


Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment


I see you’ve dealt with fatshark before, but don’t worry, this time people are taking notes :grin: :joy: :rofl:

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I’ve been doing Ogryn penances and getting almost all of them done I went back to doing damage without using all the ammo on the map and it felt really good.

I liked Ripper a lot. Until I moved up to damnation. It feels like shooting rock salt.

Ran shovel for the longest time until I realized with pickaxe you get to one shot crushers without having to fold your weapon before the hit. There’s literally no reason to pick shovel over pickaxe.


Yes. True.

Ogryn is objectively weaker than other classes best kits. Ogryn is hardly in the positiom of being literally bad. But hes got like 2 good builds. Most of his gear is too weak. His melee scales well into havocs (mostly due to bleed, not base stats) but he also suffers badly from feast or famine toughness gen.

You can take any classes weakest stuff and make ogryn look impressive but i’d take fotf zealot in havoc over ogryn any day. Objectively speaking.


Taking a fotf zealot means voluntarily lowering the chances of winning for your average pug team. I just can’t play that selfish, why ogryn is my preferred, where I can play unhinged without having to fell bad about it.