Fall down and Survive....Preacher

Issue Description:
I fall down the Plattform from a Bomber Explosion. But survive, thanks to Preacher Skill, and see more than i probably should… :sweat_smile:
I saw lots of Leveldesign from down under and can through walls (checked that later sry mates) so i can fall deeper to die finally. After that i can finish the Mission normally…
Sreenshots uploads available

Mission Name (If Applicable):


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
12/30/2022, 02:00 PM] [CET]

Upload Supporting Evidence:
Screenshots, Console.log, Launcher.log

console-2022-12-30-11.23.48-78b5f464-3d30-4c89-bf90-555dfcb318d1.log (459.0 KB)
darktide_launcher.log (806.9 KB)