Everyone is speedrunning T1 Difficulty and new players are left in the dust

Everyone is speedrunning Tier 1 difficulty to:

  • Complete Weeklies (X Missions Completed)
  • Get Emperor’s Gift (Which seem to have same quality as when you play T2,3,4,5 Difficulty)
  • Earn EXP to level up character

Meanwhile, new players get thrown into the speedrunning craze and can’t really “pace” their gameplay. This doesn’t really create a healthy “Newcomer” environment.

It also looks like an oversight that you get the same good loot on T1 as you get in T5. Higher quality gear should only drop on higher difficulties, otherwise there is no point grinding higher difficulties while farming gear. You also get more Emperor’s Gifts because T1 missions take 10-15mins max.


lower coin income by 50% so that its generally less worth to grind, without punishing people who use it to get the ropes of the game and lvl the first 4-8lvls of their hero

adjust early tier items prices so that you still can afford them in early game

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people who grind low difficulties for weeklies couldnt care less about coins

this wont solve anything


add a different collectible that only spawns on T1 that never appears in quests,
remove any scripts and grims from the pool of T1 maps

add a minimum difficulty requirement to X-mission quests

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It’s probably because the lower difficulty missions are sometimes the only ones with desired secondary objectives on the mission board (tomes, grims)


Wouldnt solve the problem imho. Weeklies need a change to atleast split between chars or be less extensive in general. Additionally this game needs an actual late game… that includes high/highest difficulty challenges and rewards


I grind T1 for weeklies. I can spend 14 minutes in a simple mission, or risk losing the weekly entirely.

I’m not a designer but Overweight Cod dropped the ball here in a very serious way.

People would rather take a boring 10 minute grind rather than challenge themselves at the appropriate difficulty?

That sounds like a massive design flaw.


That and the weeklies are not really a challenge they are mostly luck of did I get the right mission in the 2 hours I got to play this week day.
They need to all be not tied to missions.

I haven’t even run a D1 mission yet because it doesn’t interest me but I’m running out of stuff to do at level 30.

I think they should just make weeklies has 3 tiers that can only be completed on certain difficulties and above.
So you get 15 weeklies but 5 can only be completed on D5 and 5 can be completed on D54 and 5 on D543
That way when you unlock them at level 11 your not spaming D1 to finish them.


Yes we should punish the player for the poor game design, ofc.

Great idea /s


what exactly is a punishment?

So far I’ve had no issues finding ppl up to malice, which is where I’m training. It feels a bit sad that some just rush to endgame - trust me when I say that in most games, there’s not a lot there.

I just play to enjoy challenging myself and get that feeling of carefully making my way through a very dangerous and dystopian place suriving on my wits and the teamwork of the people I’m there with. How is trading that for being able to say you got to level 30 faster ever worth it? Some people are out of their minds, I swear…

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God people suck. “Just gotta go ruin the game for new players so I can farm Melk’s weeklies quicker”. Yes the design of the game is too grindy and encourages this to an extent, I agree that’s an issue and should be addressed.

However, absolutely nobody is forced to do this and there’s no reason people grinding this stuff can’t at least act as good team mates to newbies while they’re brainlessly grinding diff 1 maps.

The old saying that players will optimise the fun out of a game rings true as always. I dunno I’ve just been playing the game for the sake of playing it and letting good gear come whenever it comes. I strongly recommend it.


Ordo Dockets (Money) is irrelevant after hitting lvl 30.

That is already the case.

Malice isn’t challenging at all. Not even for casual players, once they accumulate some good gear.
The players we’re talking about are trying to attain the weapons necessary to tackle Heresy and Damnation difficulty. The only way the game allows you to do so efficiently is grinding weekly quests and hope for an Emperor’s gift.

It’s not about bragging rights. And we’re not trading a slow and methodical approach, since none is needed up to Malice difficulty.

The game doesn’t start until you hit 30 because it artificially caps the strength of the weapons you can get.

If you’ve played one character from 1-30, doing it on another doesn’t hold the same weight. At that point it’s about getting over the kneecapping game mechanics so you can actually start putting together a build, with weapons, curios and feats that compliment each other.

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It is actually kind of amusing to me, in a cynical, watching a trainwreck kind of way, too see how their dubious design decisions keep deteriorating what gameplay there is.


It’s nothing but 30’s in Malice as far as the eye can see.

This is what happens when there’s no endgame.


Well I could spend my time in malice doing my quests but I have a 50/50 shot of even getting credit for kills, grims, scrips, and even quest completion. And I havent seen a emperors gift in 18 games, not even from a 4 3/3 scrips. Last week before patch I would get one every 4 or 5 games depending collecting scrips and grims. The more I play and less I’m rewarded and the less things count. Im starting not to care. Fatshark better step up soon

Yeahno, malice can actually be challenging depending on your team. Good for you you don’t think so, but the world don’t revolve around you. The rest you said is worrying, getting to a ready level for above that should not ever push anything that actively ruins the gameplay for others

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I have yet to see a single 30 in malice. I guess there is some sort of level matching

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It would help A L O T if Contracts (Weeklies and Dailies) were account wide, like in Vermintide 2. This way we could play how we want and still only be able to buy one gun (or whatever the limit is) - so no power creep or invalidating the “Special Coins”.
Because if it was account wide, people would do more contracts while playing normally (meaning the difficulty they want, with the char(s) they want) and not seeking ways to get the most out in the shortest time possible.

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