I would still prefer to remove the temporary health completely. As i told somewhere else some weeks ago, i would go this way:
Remove the temp HP completely. ( Not temp Health from traits like the Mercenary ultimate or the “shieldtrait from the melee weapons”, Just the lvl 20 talents.)
Give the careers more HP (25HP on tanks / bruiser, 50HP on Melee-squishys and 35HP on ranged-squishys maybe)
Take the Heal-traits from the Necklace as Lvl 20 talents.
- Natural Bond
- Healers Touch
- Hand of Shallya
- Give the Necklace new / old traits. For Example:
- Barskin
- Regain x Health / Clear wounds when a Monster dies
- 50% dmg-reduction for 10s for you and your mate, after reviving him/her.
- 20% more Hero power as last man standing
- Revive can´t be interrupted
So just some special traits which are useful in several situations and should be available for every career. Remind that these are just examples.
- Boon of Shallya should be removed completely or just available as normal talent for everyone, like the lvl 5 Talents from the Mercenary (Battle Scars) and Battlewizard (Cauterise Wounds).
You could balance the Trait for each career itself like “Shade gets 25%, Ironbreaker gets 20%, Battlewizard stays on 30%”.
There are already 1-3 “useless/ too situational” traits on each career, so it should work to replace some of them with a “new Boon of Shallya”.