Discussion About Temporary Health & Level 20 Talents

I would still prefer to remove the temporary health completely. As i told somewhere else some weeks ago, i would go this way:

  1. Remove the temp HP completely. ( Not temp Health from traits like the Mercenary ultimate or the “shieldtrait from the melee weapons”, Just the lvl 20 talents.)

  2. Give the careers more HP (25HP on tanks / bruiser, 50HP on Melee-squishys and 35HP on ranged-squishys maybe)

  3. Take the Heal-traits from the Necklace as Lvl 20 talents.

  • Natural Bond
  • Healers Touch
  • Hand of Shallya
  1. Give the Necklace new / old traits. For Example:
  • Barskin
  • Regain x Health / Clear wounds when a Monster dies
  • 50% dmg-reduction for 10s for you and your mate, after reviving him/her.
  • 20% more Hero power as last man standing
  • Revive can´t be interrupted

So just some special traits which are useful in several situations and should be available for every career. Remind that these are just examples.

  1. Boon of Shallya should be removed completely or just available as normal talent for everyone, like the lvl 5 Talents from the Mercenary (Battle Scars) and Battlewizard (Cauterise Wounds).
    You could balance the Trait for each career itself like “Shade gets 25%, Ironbreaker gets 20%, Battlewizard stays on 30%”.
    There are already 1-3 “useless/ too situational” traits on each career, so it should work to replace some of them with a “new Boon of Shallya”.