Defeating Monstrosities - Reward

I don’t miss the point.
I think that the game should reward with better emperor’s gift at the end of the mission.
And monsters should increase the quality of the rewards we get.
But, a monster, in my opinion, should not drop something cause:

  • a weapon, materials? why a monster would carry a weapon or materials
  • a medikit or an ammo crate? there are already enough of them. This is just that players don’t loot at all

But, the @Nish idea is the only one that makes sense, as demon host that would drop an heretic grimoire would not be stupid. Sorry, but I like immersion…
And if well implemented, this could be a GREAT idea. You don’t always have grimoire missions. This could be a special mission type and even they could create also a second weaker demon host (we have weak mutants / dogs in maelstrom waves).

But, in my mind, they should put the same amount of plasteel / diamantine packs in all difficulty, and adjust the amount of plasteel / diamantine you get when collecting one, scaling with the difficulty.
They should also give better rewards at the end and monsters should be considered to determinate the quality of the emperor’s gift.
But, dropping from a monster… this clearly reminds me old (bad) games in the 90’. Yes I know it exists in a lot of games, but I was thinking that the game was also about the immersion.

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I agree with this. My point was regarding Daemonhosts rewarding players specifically. I like the idea of scanning the corpse for an improved reward at the end as a “good job for slaying this abomination and bringing us back valuable information” serves the purpose of Loot Die in VT2 while fitting the lore of DT

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I Agree, no reward for DH.

My only suggestion for a daemonhost would be to allow them to patrol, almost identical to the witch in L4D.

The first hit on a DH is usually the “Oh Sh$%” time to be sneaky. I think allowing DH to cry-wander would be terrifying.


Wandering Witches always freaked me out. I agree with this suggestion



Haven’t we already discussed that the Monstrosity isn’t just literally dropping it? Good Emperor, did you even listen to me the first time? The Inquisition would requisition the weapon to you as a bounty reward post-mission, the Monstrosity isn’t literally handing it to you.

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My brain immediately went to a Looney Tunes episode, where the monstrosity pulls you close and gasps out his wishes for you to take his most favorite gun to remember him by, hacking and coughing in your ear before an over dramatic death animation. Throw in Elmer Fudd just sobbing in the background for added effect.


Op is not thinking like you. And it is her that started the topic.

About your post:
Then this the emperor’s gift system…
Here I am against getting 2 shitty weapons instead of one, cause it means 2 to manually delete/sacrifice. But, as I said numerous times now, I am in favor to get better reward.
Did you even read?

And yes I have read the «we will need to sacrifice weapons». We already have a lot of such weapons… and they also said it won’t take you one year to masterise a weapon class.
So, at the end… having several bad rewards would just makes you requires to manually delete/sacrifice more

i think as extra bounty reward post-mission works as well.
i just wanted to have something extra for defeating monstrosities (the regular ones like chaos spawn, plague ogryn and beast of nurgle)

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also the beast of nurgle eats even ogryns, why wouldn’t eat some plasteel? :laughing: :meat_on_bone: /s