Condition to unlock other perks reroll

I suggest 1 million dockets per perk within a weapon or a curio, this would take an avg player about 30hrs to be able to get one on damnation, easy to implement and imo both fair to player agency and player retention.

And please, remove the 5 million cap, I’ve been stuck for a week now xD

There’s a 5 million docket cap?

I disagree with your proposal… that’s not cause you play damnation and have 5 millions that the price should be so high.
This would forbid lot of players to be able to refine the second perk

Unlocking (both) perk slots with dockets isn’t a crazy idea, but this entire crafting/gear system is so bad that it wouldn’t help much.

There are so many things you could’ve done instead to create consistency, and Melk could’ve sold blessings instead of weapons - either for one time use or (preferably) permanent use. I have a hard time understanding how they couldn’t come up with decent options for both gears and character builds, and if they treat it like they did VT2 they won’t change anything radically once it has been implemented, or at least that was the excuse/reason for not replacing the main game crafting system with the critically acclaimed Athanor crafting.

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I’d say use Diamantine. When you play Heresy+ you get about 100-150 depending on thorough you search. Make it something like 1000-2000 diamantine to unlock the second perk. Maybe even combine it with a 50-100k docket price. It’s something to work towards.

The cost would probably need some tweaking but I think these values are fair. Dockets become quite abundant, same with Diamantine on Heresy+ mainly because there’s no good sink for them.

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