Community Comm-link 25th May 2023

People in the gaming community usually mean “the company leadership and descisionmakers” when they say Devs. But i very intentionally don’t. I say Product or Leadership on purpose because that is who’s fault this is.

The game could be good if it would just get out of its own way. Even with the slow dripfeed of content*

which it desperately needs, especially classes


Again, I concur.

The cash shop existed at release as an additional means to produce revenue; we all know that game development costs money, and nobody wants investors pushing their greedy fingers into their favorite games – but as much as people (rightly) complain about the investors pushing the devs to sell cosmetics, do you really think things are going to magically get better if the means to acquire revenue go away?

MTX are available if you want to support the game, but they are 100% unnecessary if you don’t want to purchase them. And before anyone even tries it: no, “FOMO” doesn’t count as a valid argument against microtransactions. Again, if you’re somehow under the impression that things are bad now, I’d encourage people to take a gander at other games where the investors have a greater influence over what does or doesn’t cost real money, or how much those purchases cost.

Furthermore, the argument shifts constantly and it’s always based off of a complete and utter misunderstanding of how game development works (and again, this is easy-to-find information that anyone can find by taking a couple minutes searching around on google). The ‘problem’, as presented, is either:
A. “The creation and implementation of MTX cosmetics hurts the development of gameplay updates and new content”
B. “Why would I ever want to pay real money for cosmetics”

Argument A is the same nonsense that people have been spouting off since the game released. It wasn’t true then, it isn’t suddenly true now, but nobody could be bothered to fact check their own talking points, because then the point they think they had falls apart, and we can’t have that.

Argument B answers itself. To support the game by purchasing completely optional cosmetics that have no bearing on the gameplay whatsoever. It’s a first person shooter where you can’t even see the majority of your apparel when you’re actually playing the game. You lose nothing if you do not purchase these cosmetics besides “well I don’t look exactly the way I want to!”. They’ve never been worth the bricks that people have been crapping over them since release, and if some of you were even 10% as enthusiastic about submitting feedback that actually contributed to making the overall experience better we might actually get somewhere as a community.

And let’s be real here: It wouldn’t even matter if cash shop cosmetics could be earned purely through in-game means, because then you’d have the same entitled crowds complaining about how they have to actually play the game to unlock something that “should be free”.

At the end of the day, the upcoming update DOES provide what looked to be a reasonably substantial amount of cosmetics that can be earned entirely through dockets, and that’s on top of the ones you can earn through penances that have been around since launch, and the last update’s penance overhaul, as well as reskins that already existed through the armoury.

tl;dr: You’re literally getting what you asked for, but as always, somehow it still isn’t good enough.


I mean, in Darktides case it literally is. If they sold all their cosmetics all the time people wouldn’t be bringing it up. Also in general it’s a bad feeling when the game has been in unofficial early access for the past 6 months.

I see you haven’t really been looking at the forums then.

Then it would be free? Because you can earn it through in game means? That would be such a massive improvement to the whole system, at least to me, that I would feel the cash shop is less out of place and would be incentivized to buy some. Again might not be true for everyone, but it would be for me.


Tbh I’m cool with the cash shop, it’s fine as long as it’s just cosmetic. If it ever becomes pay 2 win then they can go to hell but if it’s just cosmetic that’s fine with me. Complaints about the mission board, the locks, constant disconnects crashes etc are real and need to be addressed. But all that stuff is 100% orthogonal to the existence of the cash shop. Cash shops are drag n drop. It’s not consuming dev resources. “They can’t even do X but they have a cash shop” is not a meaningful complaint imo, it’s just a rhetorical cheap shot.


I never said anything about that

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Yeah sorry I was replying to someone above you I clicked reply on your post on accident, you’re good bro



For anyone who defends payed cosmetics in a not free to play game and in especially darktide: more than 2 million DT units were sold. I think that covers the average less than 5000 daily players for a looong time.

Of course it is. Just like written and spoken prose, music, movies, paintings, photographs, etc. Most art-forms aren’t just recreationally expressions though, but are instead commercialized in different ways so that the artist can keep making art.

One of Fatsharks greatest assets is it’s in-game art (visuals, music).


The above is most likely off-topic.


You’re right, that should have been worded differently.
“In contrast to contemporary art forms, the goal of game design is not to send a message or get people to think differently, but to offer entertainment and make money”
With other art forms, if you manage to pi$$ (why is that word not allowed on this forum, of all things…) people off, you’ve done something right.
As a video game developer - oopsie.

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there is a very good blog site about game dev, written by a game dev himself:

sadly recent 2 years was dry on his blog, but previous years are great read.

TL;DR: game dev used to be pure art


Honestly, the game feels like just a waste of time to play, every time I log off feel like the time I just spend playing was wasted, RNG is the enemy here, it saps my willpower every time I play, and while I love the setting and gameplay, I never progress toward anything.
Drop is never impactful, and when I spend my currency luck is never on my side, so I never get what I want.
To brute force it would take an ungodly amount of hours, and is not even assured, I feel so lost, I really want to love this game, but every design decision, especially with the RNG, makes me depressed.

For example, I love the bolt gun and the Shotgun, but I keep getting terrible ones, even though I spend the last 3 months trying to get good ones, all I got were subpar or with terrible perks, and all the drops are lasguns,
I am forced to use a lasgun that I hate or a boltgun with terrible perks, or a shotgun with abysmal stats but some perk that synergize well…
And it does feel soo bad to be forced into something you don’t want, And even if get a good time(usually with fun teammates) it always ends in dissapointement or frustration, cause odds are the drops will be useless, and all the base I will buy will have bad stats, or the Upgrade will ruin the gun with a bad perk or a low level one that makes it bad.

There is no winning here, and who would like to play a game where you cant win? The fact is, every week i find myself playing less and less, and I fear the day when I can’t even start the game anymore coming soon.

If you read all of this thank you for listening to my rant. :sweat_smile:


Just want another comment in here that isnt toxic. Thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting into the game! I really enjoy it, and have made some friends because of Darktide as well. Yall are doing great. Oh and im really looking forward to the new missions, hopefully yall get to enjoy it as well.


What hard work? Reintroducing already fixed bugs and enemy behaviour? Not listening to feedback? Not doing anything for half a year? Telling the truth is not toxic. Being a corporate shill is.


yeah, hard works ia futile if everyone is pulling in different direction. results matter


There is a lot of toxicity on here, unnecessary name calling and poison spewing, but honestly it just goes to show how emotional people get about the game, and that can’t happen unless there’s something really good about it.
Feedback is good and necessary, that’s what these forums are for.
I’m excited to see what the QoL patch notes are today, at the very least the content drop will give me something to do until DRG season 4 starts in a couple weeks.
I still hope they QoL the crap out of DT and manage to turn the ratings around, I have a lot of friends I would love to play with who don’t wanna touch it with a 10 foot stick right now, even though it’s the kind of game they would love.


when update?

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Be a bit more patient - 3 hours and 16 minutes and 30 sek.


I mean, it’s countdown to event start, which i’m sure not tied to patch in any way. Since from what i read in commlink, it’s just data from databases displayed somewhere on website at best. Patch is “during skulls” without any official date.

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