Brief feedback on enemy moves

In the Mission where i died because the enemy outreached my push, he was standing on a small rock, so i wanted to recreat the situation and made him attack from slightly above.
I now also tried if this can happen on flat ground too.

It can happen. But only if you make a step backwarts. So enemy attacks have longer reach than youre push
(Might be intended) but they will move in pushrange before they attack. It can now happen that you move out of push range but stay in enemy attack range.
I don’t know what to think about that. It makes sense but it also sucks :smiley:
I quite often asked myself already why an easy staggerable enemy in my push angle didn’t get staggered.
I guess i know the answer now.

Whoa dude, you shared a life hack with the masses - tried this in my Legend quickplay today and clutched a troll solo because of this trick. Hats off to you, dear sir.

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This really should be number uno priority. I’m having such varying experience with ice skating enemies in particular, from none at all to extreme distances.


yeah kinda.
but maybe it all depends on weapon. i mean did u tray others weapon? and maybe 100% push/block? to reach that use FK-IB carer

not at all. when i kite him some time i get phantom hit. even when i host that happend. kinda bs if u ask me.
btw i like ur wall of text u put all in 1 post what bothering me in this game

thats gr8 and i hope u know how to kite him. i can make him stationary true all process of fighting(even if he pukes)