Bots don't block or dodge, or take a distance against Lord's AoE attack

I’m going to report 4 kinds of Lord(Act 1, 2, 3, 4).

  1. Halescourge

Whenever Burblespue Halescourge is on center of the house and is going to make storm or use spreading poison shadow attack, bots always keep close to it and get damage.
22:15​ 23:01​ 27:06​ 27:55​ 28:45​ … so many times. :cry::cry:

  1. Into the Nest

Whenever Skarrik Spinemanglr is going to use wheel wind attack, bots always keep close to it and get damage without blocking. 27:13 (If I didn’t kill lord quickly, bots would keep being damaged and died by its AoE attack)

  1. The War Camp

Whenever Bödvarr Ribspreader strikes his two-handed axe to the ground for AoE attack, bots always go close to him and get damage without blocking.

30:33 30:41 30:45 … so many times. :cry::cry:

  1. The Skittergate

Whenever Deathrattler is going to use ground strike attack, bots always keep close to it and get damage without blocking. 27:25 28:06 28:41 29:00 29:05 … so many times. :cry::cry:


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